- 'It's cool, different and useful'
- 'I worry that we are returning to the days when Inuit were ignored or taken for granted.'
- 'We try to use traditional material as much as we can'
- Record oil prices push cost of bulk fuel buy
- Henry Howgate Life on the Lam
- No consensus on many big issues
- GN nurses encouraged to do rotating job-shares
- Qikiqtani General Hospital will take patients in a few weeks
- 'I do not want to speak English now. I'm an Inuk.'
- KIA delegates talk of forming 'Bloc Kitikmeot' to take on 'Government of Baffinland'
- In Staking the Claim today's young Inuit celebrate the generation who created Nunavut
- Kivalliq Arctic Foods enjoys profits, pickling
- 'I believe it is important to put the needs of my family first'
- Nunavut Trust preserves entire land claim compensation fund
- Adults follow lead of the youth
- 'It's a favourable political 'c;limate;,' miner says
- One-kilometre barrier averts replay of 1984 disaster
- Retired jurist to probe dog slaughter
- 'What we're seeing here is a symptom of poor government planning.'
- Hearings may start this winter
- Abusers could be banned from ordering liquor
- Watt-Cloutier says Earth wins with peace prize decision
- Defence lawyer attacks credibility of complainants
- Lured by lower stress and better pay, Inuit teachers are flocking to non-teaching jobs at the Nunavu
- Qikiqtani birthright company looks forward to more growth fueled by contracts with 'Baff;inland;