Circumpolar Inuit org’s Canada wing opens nominations for president, VP

ICC-Canada will choose president, international vice-president this July


A scene from the Inuit Circumpolar Council's 2010 general assembly, held in Nuuk, Greenland. At their next general assembly in Utqiaġvik, Alaska, ICC-Canada will pick a president and international vice-president to serve new four-year terms. (FILE PHOTO)

A scene from the Inuit Circumpolar Council’s 2010 general assembly, held in Nuuk, Greenland. At their next general assembly in Utqiaġvik, Alaska, ICC-Canada will pick a president and international vice-president to serve new four-year terms. (FILE PHOTO)

Have you ever wanted to become a circumpolar Inuit leader?

If so, now’s your chance.

The Canadian wing of the Inuit Circumpolar Council opened nominations earlier this week for two positions: president, and vice-president of international affairs.

ICC-Canada issued the call through print and online media advertisements. Both positions are for four-year terms.

Right now, the ICC-Canada president’s position, a paid full-time job, is held by Nancy Karetak-Lindell, whose term expires later this year.

The organization’s international vice-president’s position, a part-time job, is held by Herb Nakimayak of Paulatuk, whose full-time job right now is MLA for Nunakput in the legislative assembly of the Northwest Territories.

The organization will fill both spots through a vote to be held July 15 at its annual general meeting in Utqiaġvik, Alaska, formerly known as Barrow, where ICC will hold its next general assembly.

Any individual Inuk may put his or her name forth for either ICC-Canada president or vice-president.

Nominations must include the signatures of 20 other Inuit who support the candidacy and a certified cheque or money order for $200.

A member of a land claim settlement claim area may also nominate a candidate, in writing.

Nomination forms and deposit cheques must be received at ICC-Canada no later than June 13 by 5 p.m. eastern time, ICC-Canada said, to this address:

Corinne Gray
Chief Returning Officer
Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada)
75 Albert Street, Suite 1001,
ON K1P 5E7

The contact information is:

Phone: (613) 563-2642
Fax: (613) 565-3089

You can find information about the nomination process, including the required forms, at the ICC-Canada website.

ICC-Canada does not state how much the president is paid, but says it is “determined through negotiations with the ICC Canada board of directors.”

It’s a full-time salary, paid every two weeks.

The ICC-Canada vice-president, on the other hand, is a part-time position that involves attendance at board meetings and teleconferences.

The ICC-Canada VP is paid professional fees for 25 to 35 days of work per year, if they can show that they do not receive monetary compensation from another source, ICC-Canada says.

ICC-Canada is closely linked to Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. The ICC-Canada president also serves as a vice-president of ITK and the the ITK president serves as a vice-president of national affairs for ICC-Canada, and the two organizations share many board members.

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