National product recall prompts GN warning against jalapeño chips
Salmonella detected in Miss Vickie’s brand

This shows the information you need to check on a bag of Miss Vickie’s jalapeño chips. (HANDOUT PHOTO)

The national product recall on Miss Vickie’s jalapeño chips applies to all sizes of bags. (HANDOUT PHOTO)
If you like jalapeño potato chips, you better make sure what brand they are.
Nunavut’s Department of Health has issued a warning about a food recall on Miss Vickie’s brand Jalapeño Kettle Cooked Potato Chips.
That’s because the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has identified possible salmonella contamination in this product.
A complete list of the recalled products, product codes and best before dates are on the CFIA website
The recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the location where they were purchased, the Government of Nunavut said.
Food contaminated with salmonella may not look or smell spoiled, but it can still make you sick.
Short-term symptoms can include fever, headache, vomiting, nausea, abdominal cramps and diarrhea, the GN’s health warning said.
Young children, pregnant women, elders and people with weakened immune systems may contract serious and sometimes deadly infections.
If you think you became sick from consuming a recalled product, call your local health centre.
For more information, you can also contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at 1-800-442-2342 or visit
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