Photo: Iqaluit teen raises money for vet camp


Fourteen-year-old Christina Qavavou helps two veterinarians and two vet techs during a free spay/neuter clinic held earlier this year at the Iqaluit Humane Society. Qavavou, an aspiring vet and volunteer at the IHS, wants to attend a vet camp this summer. So far, she’s raised nearly half the $8,000 she needs through an online fundraising campaign, which you can find at One generous donor decided to cover her camp fees, flights and accommodation. Among the 40-plus online fundraising pitches, she’s been among the most successful this year. (PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFUNDME.COM)

Fourteen-year-old Christina Qavavou helps two veterinarians and two vet techs during a free spay/neuter clinic held earlier this year at the Iqaluit Humane Society. Qavavou, an aspiring vet and volunteer at the IHS, wants to attend a vet camp this summer. So far, she’s raised nearly half the $8,000 she needs through an online fundraising campaign, which you can find at One generous donor decided to cover her camp fees, flights and accommodation. Among the 40-plus online fundraising pitches, she’s been among the most successful this year. (PHOTO COURTESY OF GOFUNDME.COM)

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