Photo: NHL vet mobbed by fans in Cape Dorset


Veteran NHL star Lanny McDonald stands in a sea of fans in Cape Dorset during a visit with the Stanley Cup April 27. McDonald and Canadian Women's Hockey League player Natalie Spooner have joined a Stanley Cup entourage for a tour of eight Nunavut communties this spring. The tour, sponsored by Scotiabank, Project North, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities and First Air, are dropping off bags of hockey equipment in each community to give away to local kids. The tour was hoping to stop in Gjoa Haven and Resolute Friday and then finish up in Hall Beach and Qikiqtarjuaq April 29. (PHOTO BY ERIC LANGDON)

Veteran NHL star Lanny McDonald stands in a sea of fans in Cape Dorset during a visit with the Stanley Cup April 27. McDonald and Canadian Women’s Hockey League player Natalie Spooner have joined a Stanley Cup entourage for a tour of eight Nunavut communties this spring. The tour, sponsored by Scotiabank, Project North, Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities and First Air, are dropping off bags of hockey equipment in each community to give away to local kids. The tour was hoping to stop in Gjoa Haven and Resolute Friday and then finish up in Hall Beach and Qikiqtarjuaq April 29. (PHOTO BY ERIC LANGDON)

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