News May 30, 2018 – 10:30 am EDT
Photo: Nunavut nursing students honoured with scholarships
Top nursing students in years two to four at Nunavut Arctic College’s nursing program receive Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Awards worth $3,000 at a Friday afternoon ceremony in Iqaluit. Nunavut Health Minister Pat Angnakak, Education Minister David Joanasie and the Health Department’s deputy minister, Colleen Stockley, praised the academic success of the award recipients who achieved the highest grade point averages in their respective years. Angnakak said she looks forward to welcoming more Nunavut nurses. From left: Joanasie, Mavis Ell, Amiel Hernandez, Maria Fellen Atienza, Samantha Cooper, Maybelle Enuaraq, and Angnakak. Not present: Oopik Aglukark. (PHOTO BY JANE GEORGE)
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