Photo: Women heal in CamBay


Christina Maksagak, Aimo Nauyuk, Susie Kavanna, Kate Kuliktana, Marlene Taptoona and Annie Agligoetak hold hands during the recent Women’s Hunt and Heal Workshop in Cambridge Bay. During the workshop, sponsored by the Cambridge Bay Wellness Centre and led by Terry Garchinski of Life Works Counselling and Training Services Inc., participants gain strength through learning more about their culture. (PHOTO COURTESY OF T. GARCHINSKI)

Christina Maksagak, Aimo Nauyuk, Susie Kavanna, Kate Kuliktana, Marlene Taptoona and Annie Agligoetak hold hands during the recent Women’s Hunt and Heal Workshop in Cambridge Bay. During the workshop, sponsored by the Cambridge Bay Wellness Centre and led by Terry Garchinski of Life Works Counselling and Training Services Inc., participants gain strength through learning more about their culture. (PHOTO COURTESY OF T. GARCHINSKI)

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