Alaska organizers disorganized?


Thank you for your advance coverage of the AWG. Our family will be watching your Web site from across the continent!

I found some amusement in the article about Alaskan athletes — this quote from our “organizer”: “Sports in Alaska is way less organized than in Canada,” Estle said. “For the most part, there’s no organized preparation.”

John Estle could have done a lot more toward our preparation. Parents of Alaskan athletes were not given detailed information regarding the trip until 10 days prior to departure.

The “Parent Info” and “Travel” section of the Team Alaska Web site remained blank until March 5!

I am confident that Iqaluit is well prepared for the arrival of our athletes, and we applaud the community for everything they are doing to make our competitors welcome.

Thank you again for your coverage of the Games.

Name withheld
Eagle River, Alaska

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