At the Iqaluit courthouse, Santa rules

Court of justice enforces the Christmas spirit


Thanks to staff at the Nunavut court of justice in Iqaluit, scores of children in Iqaluit will get a present this Christmas.

In a mock “court order” signed by “Justice of the Peace S. Claus” and faxed throughout Iqaluit, staff at the Nunavut court house, along with staff at the federal justice department and the Maliiganik Tukisiiniakvik legal aid clinic, rounded up donors.

Heather Daley, the director of court services, said their gift drive produced more than 200 toys.

They’ve turned them over to the Iqaluit Rotary Club, who included the toys with the Christmas hampers they’ve prepared for Iqaluit’s many underprivileged families.

Another 18 toys will be given to the Department of Health and Social Services for distribution in a smaller Nunavut community.

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