Baker Lake leaders decry war’s ‘numbing, paralyzing’ impact on Gaza children

‘Even though Nunavut and Canada are far from the affected region geographically, the toll this conflict has taken on human lives has deeply affected our residents,’ says mayor

This is a portion of a letter from Baker Lake hamlet council to Premier P.J. Akeeagok, calling on Canada’s leaders to encourage a ceasefire in Gaza. (Image courtesy of Baker Lake council)

By Nunatsiaq News

This story was updated on Thursday, Feb. 1, at 11:30 a.m. ET.

Baker Lake’s municipal leaders have a request for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier P.J. Akeeagok: they want both leaders to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Mayor Kevin Iksiktaaryuk signed two letters, dated Jan. 25, stating residents in the hamlet of 2,200 have shared their worries with council about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

“Even though Nunavut and Canada are far from the affected region geographically, the toll this conflict has taken on human lives has deeply affected our residents,” he wrote.

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza started Oct. 7, after a surprise attack from Hamas that led to the death of about 1,100 Israelis, a majority of them civilians. As of Wednesday, 26,000 Gazans — a vast majority of them civilians — are believed to have died in Israel’s attacks, according to news reports.

“We understand the complexities involved but firmly believe that a ceasefire is a crucial initial step to reduce the impact on human lives, especially innocent children,” Iksiktaaryuk’s letter said.

Sheldon Dorey, Baker Lake’s senior administrative officer, told Nunatsiaq News the letters came from a discussion between the mayor and council after hearing from residents.

One of those residents is Baker Lake educator Morteza Beepanah.

“I did speak to the council and they were unanimously in favour of it,” he told Nunatsiaq News in an email.

“As a father, teacher, and as a human being I find it extremely heartbreaking and horrific to witness what children of Gaza have been going through since Oct. 7,” he said, pointing to statistics that say more than 10,000 children have been killed, close to 9,000 injured, and around 3,000 are missing.

“I find this number numbing and paralyzing, as it represents about the same number of students attending school on any given day at any of our schools in the territory.”

Beepanah said he has also personally reached out to Akeeagok’s office on prior occasions to call for a ceasefire, as well as other entities such as the Department of Education and the Nunavut Teachers’ Association, but has not heard back.

Neither Akeeagok nor Trudeau’s offices responded to requests for comment for this story.

In December, Canada supported a non-binding United Nations resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

“I genuinely believe that the physical distance should not prevent us from raising our voices against injustices that are happening in other parts of the world,” Beepanah said.

“I believe what is happening in Gaza is on such [a] scale that not doing anything or staying silent is not an option. I believe that we must do all we can to prevent a genocide no matter where it is taking place.”

Correction: This story was updated to accurately reflect the leaders and agencies Morteza Beepanah has written to, asking for a ceasefire. 

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(34) Comments:

  1. Posted by from abroad on

    Never forget, that there was ceasefire till terrorists from Gaza broke the border to Israel and invaded and murdered more than 1200 Israelis and took hostages into Gaza on October 7th 2023. 140 Israeli hostages are still kept hidden in Gaza and heavy firing into Israel has occurred daily from buildings and tunnels throughout the Gaza. Release each hostages immediately!

    • Posted by Updated Information on

      There was *an occupation* before Oct. 7 – not a ceasefire.
      From Israel’s own security data: 1068 people were killed (695 civilians and 373 security forces).
      105 hostages have been released, 132 remain (around 310 Palestinians are currently being held in Israel detention).
      Israel confirmed they killed 3 of their own, mistaking them for Palestinian civilians (war crime). Officials are on record saying hostage families need to shut up, as getting them home is not actually the goal – expanding territory is. So…. let’s keep some perspective.

      • Posted by Northern Observer on

        Lots of nonesense going around that is in reality thinly-veiled antisemitism. Dear Questionable Information, I have a simple question for you: was Hamas justified in their terror attack on October 7th? If yes, then that’s all we need to know.

  2. Posted by Paul on

    Israel has so much political and financial support from Europe and North America that they can commit genocide and get away with it.
    If the roles were the other way around, US and Europe would have been there to stop it right away,
    It amazes me that the surrounding countries don’t decide on helping the women and children in Garza with fears of being attacked by Israel or the western countries.
    Also amazes me that a people who were treated very bad during the WW2 can turn around and commit the same atrocities to another group of people and think it is ok.

  3. Posted by Your average Canadian on

    Why are there no protests about the poor state of our health care and education system? Or protests over overcrowded housing and housing costs? Food costs? Why do we feel that what is going on with this war should overshadow the problems we can actually try to fix right here at home? Canada has very little power on the international stage and we should stop pretending that we do.

  4. Posted by Mit on

    “One of those residents is Baker Lake educator Morteza Beepanah”.

    Hope he’s not pushing his ideologies in the classrooms.

    • Posted by eskimo joe on

      There was a teacher from that part of the world in Arviat, he protested about “Christian worship in the morning ” he won, 1 student upset most all Nunavut. Leg and the Department just play dead then, spineless. Do we play dead until we become a minority? Let not forget: “Class System” in that part of the world, that is why there is so much poverty in parts of the world. We, the Inuit has been a minority since when??? from so long ago, we do not want it back, the colonials then are /to be; worst.

    • Posted by oh ima on

      Teachers push their idiology all the time how great Canada is, it’s not an ideology it’s about justice and compassion for Palestinians that are experiencing genocide at a massive scale. Viiva Palestine

    • Posted by Seriously? on

      Either you don’t want a person teaching the importance of international law/compassion for others/human rights, or you’re being racist. Both options are pretty gross.

  5. Posted by Would you listen to Kafr Bara? on

    Let me fix that for you, ““Even though Nunavut and Canada are far from the affected region geographically, the toll this conflict has taken on human lives has deeply affected our resident”. Resident, singular.
    I’m in favour of a cease-fire too, but if Israel won’t listen to the International Court of Justice, I don’t think they’ll listen to Baker Lake.

  6. Posted by Umingmak on

    Baker Lake has endless issues with alcoholism, domestic violence, child welfare, etc, and this is what their “leadership” is focused on? Big YIKES.

  7. Posted by eskimo joe on

    Since Oct attack on sleeping Israelis and butchering of it’s citizens where Hamas has instigation an act terror and killings are hard to forget. Hamas objectives was to find and murder Israelis and many as possible, Israeli objective is now to wipe out Hamas so this could never happen again, it is horrible there are colleterial damages as it progress. Once a Terror Group will always be terror group, it’s a nature of of terrorists. It’s sad situation but a reality. It would have been better if DMZ as in N/S Korea has maintained for over 5 yrs in that part of the world.

  8. Posted by Let’s do the Grandstand on

    “Beepanah said he has also personally reached out to Trudeau and Akeeagok’s offices on prior occasions to call for a ceasefire, as well as other entities such as the Department of Education and the Nunavut Teachers’ Association, but has not heard back.”

    Crazy, this reminds me of the time I went to Northern Store and spoke to the Manager. I demanded a ceasefire in Gaza too, but the manager said nothing… Outrageous!!!

    Nunatsiaq, if you want to contact me for a story please write me at

  9. Posted by 😂 on

    😂 what a joke go home 😂

    • Posted by Oh ima on

      Baker is his home

  10. Posted by Thank You on

    Thank you for standing up for what’s right. This is a very difficult topic to wade into, but someone needs to speak out for the children in Gaza. Thank you so much to the Mayor for doing this.

    And for all of the people saying “we have our own problems who cares about Gaza, why is the mayor making this his priority?” He literally sent two letters, its not like he’s devoted financial or human resources to the issue. So this is hardly a ‘priority’ issue. It just happens to be in the news.

  11. Posted by mayor of where on

    Baker lake people who is your mayor? Is your mayor the mayor of a Gaza city? There must be nothing better to do in Baker for them to be doing this stunt. Deal with the real problems in your town then focus on the international stage thereafter.

  12. Posted by Finally on

    Finally, a northern leader speaking out against atrocities.
    I hope the GN can muster enough balls to do the same.
    Every voice is needed.

  13. Posted by B Aglukark on

    you ever wonder why there are no demands made to the terrorists and only to the victims? hamas could have ended this on October 8 by releasing the hostages, putting their weapons down, not hiding behind civilians and surrendering. It really is that simple.

    • Posted by History on

      You should learn the history of Palestine and the formation of the apartheid state of Israel.
      Resistance to someone violently occupying your homeland is natural.
      Zionists should have set up in Albania rather than the middle east.

      • Posted by aHistorical on

        That’s a bit like saying Inuit should have made a land claim for Vancouver Island.

        • Posted by Ceasefire now? Ceasefire how? on

          Hamas is still holding innocent Israeli civilians hostages in violation of international law. Stories have come out about torture and sexual assault of hostages who have been released. Rape is not resistance.

          Asking for a ceasefire is asking them to lie down and take it and to take the barrage of rockets that has not stopped. It is asking them to give up on the return of civilian hostages. They can’t do that. Hamas knows that and is counting on Western ignorance about a complex eastern problem to garner support for terror. Hamas has never hid their genocidal intent. They changed their charter and cut out the parts calling for a worldwide Jewish genocide, bur many in their ranks have made it clear that it is still their goal.

          Palestinians deserve a better life but terrorism is not resistance. That rhetoric is dangerous.

          Hostages returned first, then ceasefire for both Hamas and Israel is the only way the rockets will stop no matter what the world says. Then BOTH Hamas and Netanyahu’s corrupt governments need to be replaced if there is any chance at a long term solution and peace.

          Neither group is leaving. Both groups have a legitimate claim to the region despite the misinformation that is all over social media insisting it is one or the other. They need to find a solution but an eastern solution not your western one.

          • Posted by Fett on

            One person’s freedom fighter is another persons rapist….

  14. Posted by Clout chaser on

    Maybe he and the 10 or so protesters from iqaluit should go fight , we have better shit to worry about in nunavut,

  15. Posted by Northern Observer on

    Provincial and territorial governments shouldn’t comment on global issues, let alone municipalities.

    Hey Morteza Beepanah, what about the plight of Baker children? I’d say that poverty, malnourishment and overcrowded homes are also “extremely heartbreaking and horrific”. So what are you doing in your own backyard? I’d hazard a guess that the answer is ‘nothing’. Much easier to sit on the couch after work and make comments about situations beyond your influence.

  16. Posted by Chesley on

    When there was news of hunger starvation 20 years ago Inuit collected money to help those people saying they were concerned from their past experience with their hunger, And now to follow the west’s media lead in silence, to show no care is okay?

  17. Posted by John K on

    This might be the least effective genocide ever!

  18. Posted by Oppression on

    Any brown/black person knows the oppression that Palestinians are feeling.
    Anyone not supporting Palestine is a wannabe – wannabe white, wannabe rich.

  19. Posted by Confused on

    I think it’s working, thank You Baker Lake.

  20. Posted by JOHN ELL on

    Good and helpful information gives you appreciation and understanding of what’s happening on the ground. Beepanah didn’t provide that to the Baker Council, just his version.

  21. Posted by 867 on

    Breaking news – Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to meet with the mayor of baker lake!!!!

  22. Posted by flabbergasted on

    the inuit should keep their focus on raising their own children and fighting for the healing of being residential school survivors and their children and children being intergenerational school survivors. How can we as a culture help those if we dont help ourselves first. Stay away from other peoples politics.

  23. Posted by Tgc on

    Pepe Escobar a political analyst by profession is a go to man for more information on the Gaza and such related strife circa 2024.

  24. Posted by Paul on

    Two wrongs don’t make it right, no matter how right you try to make it.


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