Photo May 25, 2023 – 5:38 pm EDT
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Nunavut Agreement’s signing
NTI shares images from historic day on Facebook
Thirty years ago, on May 25, 1993, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories signed an historic modern treaty with the Government of Canada. The Nunavut Agreement would go on to change the lives of the thousands of Inuit in Nunavut. Paul Quassa, right, then the president of Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut, points to a new map of the North while then-prime minister Brian Mulroney looks on. Quassa would go on to become a premier of Nunavut. He’s currently an Iqaluit city councillor. TFN became Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Mulroney, coincidentally, stepped down as leader of the Progressive Conservative party and prime minister a month after signing the agreement. (Photo courtesy NTI)
By Nunatsiaq News
A rare successes for Mulroney when compared to Meech Lake, Charlottetown and the mishandling of Oka. A part of his legacy, nonetheless.
The day we gave it all away. 90 percent of Canada’s coast. 1/3 Canada oil reserve, gold, silver, land and our sovereignty.
Unless you are capable of enforcing your sovereignty, you have none.
@illusions, We could easily have been non citizen resident of Canada. Happens all over the world all the time. A sovereign state within a state.
My fellow Inuit just didn’t know it at the time.
Can you give an example of that kind of state? I have a feeling you might be imagining things.
The only good thing about the land claim is the anniversary. Not many beneficiaries go vote for the leadership position.
Settlers don’t forget to thank an Inuk for a Government Job
Oh Ima, don’t forget to thank a settler for paying all your bills, including those government jobs.
ii tukihiiavunga,