Children robbed of winter fun

A Grinch steals snowmobile from group home.



A Grinch pinched a snowmobile belonging to residents at Iqaluit’s Illagiittugut children’s group home last week.

The blue Yamaha Bravo long track was a favourite toy for eight disabled youths whose recreation opportunities are limited, said child care worker Jeannie Kiguktak.

“They loved it. I’d take them sliding and camping with it. Now, they’re feeling pretty down,” Kiguktak said.

The snowmobile is usually kept locked outside the house. Last Friday, the machine wasn’t locked and someone took it sometime during the weekend.

Although staff used the machine to run errands, it’s primary use was for the children’s enjoyment, she said.

The theft has been reported to police. Kiguktak was unsure how old the snowmobile is.

The machine, worth $4,000 new, was a gift to the home.

This is the second time in two years the same machine was pinched from the Happy Valley residence. Last time, the machine was returned in good condition. Kiguktak is hopeful for a similar ending.

“I want to look for it, I just need to borrow a Skidoo,” she said. “I hope we get it back. I really like to take the kids for a ride.

Given Christmas is less than a week away, Kiguktak called the act “badly timed.”

“We’d like it back before Christmas,” said co-worker Geela Tikivic.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the RCMP at 975-4452.

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