Nunavik’s COVID-19 curfew now begins at 10 p.m.

Change prompted by springtime’s longer daylight hours

A curfew in place across Nunavik to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 will now begin an hour later, at at 10 p.m., due to longer daylight hours brought on by spring. (Photo by Elaine Anselmi)

By Nunatsiaq News

Starting immediately, the hours of a Nunavik-wide curfew have been reduced thanks to additional daylight hours brought on by spring.

As of Wednesday, April 15, the curfew will be in place from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., requiring all Nunavimmiut to be in their own homes during that time.

The curfew has been put in place by Jean Pierre-Larose, director of public security, and applies to all 14 northern villages, according to a news release from the Kativik Regional Government.

The initial curfew was enacted across Nunavik on March 29, originally covering the hours from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

The curfew aims to reduce the spread of COVID-19 across the region. At present, there have been 12 confirmed cases, 11 of which are still active.

The release stated that, so far, Nunavimmiut have complied with the curfew order and police will continue to enforce the new hours with the support of village mayors and council.

No end date for the curfew has been set.

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(19) Comments:

  1. Posted by Thank you daylight on

    A real example of non-compliance. Nunavik leadership is flawed. As though daylight will be less of a chance to transmit the virus. I’m not sure why that was done, that extra hour. I would like to see curfew begin at 8 instead. Kids are out all night long anyway, so what’s a curfew worth in Nunavik? Get the brave Canadian rangers out and about to get the kids in, just wait for the real numbers to come in with that virus, and we’re going to see some panic. You ain’t seen nothing yet as far as I’m concerned.

    • Posted by Sticky Path on

      Mmmm, getting elements of Canadian Armed Forces involved in law enforcement gets into some very sticky issues of aid to the civil power. Trust me, no one wants to go down that path, least of all the armed forces.

      • Posted by Sticky on

        That has nothing to do with law enforcement, it’s a security mission. The Canadian rangers are otherwise designated to go to cabin and tents on the land to ensure that people are following distancing, so why not include ensuring kids and childless adults are not out breaking the curfew. It will be a security thing , something like protecting us from attacks. At least go around and advised .

  2. Posted by Bad decisions on

    This pandemic will hit Nunavik because of bad decisions by leadership, combined with non-compliance by a population thats not comprehending the seriousness of it all. As this is mostly preventive, but misunderstood, Nunavik will suffer for this. We’re seeing only the tip of the iceberg yet. The dozen or so cases, as by the stats in other jurisdictions translates into about 1/3 of the real cases, and it continues to multiply. Containment is possible, but not with the poor leadership decisions. We need better leadership from the south., otherwise it’s going to be bad.

    • Posted by Leadership on

      What about the leader of Nunavik

  3. Posted by James Stewart on

    Likewise, I cannot reason why, except to make a bad decision to follow a “stay out late kids” tradition. Parents should have their children in by that time, showing them how to be productive citizens.
    The virus isn’t respecting a curfew. Why lengthen the hours of possible exposures in a very vulnerable population? It’s dark out by ten pm at this time, and the Rangers are not able to control the streets because some people will not respect compliance with the Health Board and the Councils authority. People cannot realize that if it gets to this town it will be too late when they find out, if the non compliance and slacking off on the regulations continues.

  4. Posted by pleasantly unexpected on

    The daylight will get longer and longer in the coming weeks, so it’s perfect. 9:00 was a little too early.
    Many people will go fishing a lot soon and the geese are arriving soon. We’ll take advantage of the extra hour. Thank you, captain Larose

    • Posted by Go out and try staying out on

      Those going out hunting should try staying out for a night or two, do you some good. Those staying out on the land are not even noticing the curfew. It’s only those going back and forth that are inconvenienced. But not many out on the land, I mean where’s the Inuit tradition.

  5. Posted by Too early might mean too late on

    Bad decisions usually cause. There you have it, a bad decision made. It’s way too early to removed any parts of that curfew. I mean here we have a situation where the curfew was not being respected, kids out all night long, house gatherings, party’s, and instead of making it stricter, they made it more relaxed. Thereby welcoming more noncompliance. Bad decision. Thats Nunavik leadership in full bloom.

  6. Posted by Hunters on

    It is good move in respect to hunters.
    Leave early and arrive around sundown.

    • Posted by Leave you house and stay home on

      The hourly or day hunter. Hey, lots of time to go out and stay out now that many are off work. We’re been crying for more freedom to go out on the land, will there it is. Why go early and get back before curfew? Have you ever seen a dog tied to a chain? That dog goes to the extreme end of the lease, right to the end , almost chocked . Seems like some people are like that dog, going til a few minutes before curfew time, then either homeward bound, or stay out all night. Curfew only affects those that needs to be inconvenienced. Personally I love it, and physical distance is a dream, love it.

  7. Posted by Exempt hunters? on

    The problem are the people in the communities hanging around with nothing to do, especially all the kids & young adults.
    If they could be out on the land, great. There are many who can’t.
    Why not keep the overall curfew at 9pm, but people who’ve been hunting or fishing get an extra hour (and in another month perhaps 2). It’s important for people to be on the land. The food they provide to their families and communities is essential. If there is country food that needs to be distributed upon return, that the hunter or fisher quickly drops that off at people’s door steps and gets to their own home their returns can be monitored. Perhaps they even ‘register’ with someone who keeps a list of people who are going out and will be needing an extension.
    If people returning from the land can’t abide by the conditions of an extended curfew, then they lose that extended time.

    • Posted by Not expected on

      You talk about kids and young adults with nothing to do. Are you expecting them to suddenly now to go out hunting and fishing , and camping? That attitude of having nothing to do is in the minds of many Inuit today. It’s breed in. Many of those you talk about don’t even
      Know that there’s such a thing as a great outdoors. That’s part of the problem , but it has nothing to do with the virus, it’s more to do with a new choice of not living well.

      • Posted by Exempt hunters? on

        No, I do not expect the young people will suddenly go out on the land.
        I was merely offering a suggestion as to giving those going out on the land a longer period of time to be out, while at the same time having the 9pm curfew.

        • Posted by Nonsense on

          Anyone going hunting can start out at early morning, and you as well as anyone knows that they don’t need up10 at night , rain , shine , dark or light to get back home. camping is good for you too. Overnight. Like another comment mentioned, it’s the same as a dog with restrictions on his neck. He’ll take it to the limit, just because he feels restricted. would you welcome the curfew if it could save lives? Or you rather have your way , and make more risk? The authorities are catering to what they consider to be inconvenience to population, yes it is , but who cares, it can save lives. The only
          People, hunters fishers or not, the only people inconvenienced by all this is the
          Ones that do not have a cue about what’s going on.

  8. Posted by That’s too bad on

    Just heard the prime minister’s speech this morning. Advising us to stay the course. Even if we miss our normal ways, keep doing what needs to be done. It’s too bad , with this curfew time change in Nunavik. Too early to change it. What’s so sad about it, is that the curfew will have to be more strict as time goes, as the virus gets around more in Nunavik. I’m predicting a major change to be made in more dire situation, because Nunavik authorities are inclined to make bad decisions. Just watch sadly so.

  9. Posted by Where the leader of Nunavik on

    Dont here to much about him???

    • Posted by Don’t know what’s going on on

      Like most leaders in Nunavik, probably don’t know what’s going on. Thinking, things will be ok next week this time. From what I witness, there’s lots of misunderstandings.

  10. Posted by Joseph on

    How are curfew and daylight related? Inconsistent and confusing.

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