Elders, students share maktaaq in Igloolik

Sivuniit Middle School wanted to celebrate elders, so they invited them over for country food

From left, Deborah Qaunaq, Faith Arnatsiaq, Martha Qattalik and Susan Avingaq use an ulu to carve and eat maktaaq in the Sivuniit Middle School gym. (Photo by Anthony Qrunnut, special to Nunatsiaq News)

By Anthony Qrunnut,
special to Nunatsiaq News

On Dec. 7, Grade 7 students at Sivuniit Middle School invited elders in the community of Igloolik to share country food, tea and cookies.

Students also played traditional Inuit games like arm pull and high kick.

“It was fun,” said Grade 7 student Helen Arnatsiaq.

“We wanted to celebrate the elders so we invited them.”

  • From left, Grade 7 students Owen Angilirq, Charlie Tuktu and Jonathan Ijjangiaq face off in a game of arm pull during an elders invite at Sivuniit Middle School on Thursday. (Photo by Anthony Qrunnut, special to Nunatsiaq News)

This article and pictures are the result of a partnership between Nunatsiaq News and the Sivuniit Middle School’s journalism club in Igloolik. The club helps students learn the fundamentals of newswriting and photography. Grade 9 student Anthony Qrunnut covered the school’s Elders Invite.

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