Iqaluit residents call for climate action ahead of COP25

About 15 to 20 Iqaluit residents gathered at the city’s Four Corners on Friday afternoon calling for a transition off fossil fuels. In addition to wielding signs and singing climate change–themed carols, participants also stuffed letters calling for action into stockings bearing the names of municipal, territorial and federal politicians. Next week, world leaders will meet in Madrid for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP25. (Photo by Dustin Patar)

By Dustin Patar

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(2) Comments:

  1. Posted by ForeverAmazed on

    So are the hunters going to give up their snowmobiles & motor boats and hunt more traditionally?

  2. Posted by Northern Inuit on

    how much money do we have to convert all of our Power Plants to renewable energy?

    yes it’s amazing how much fuel we go through to survive up here.

    next time it hits -39C without the wind and you crank up the heat to stay warm, or when the sun sets on November 28th and will not rise again until January 10th, will you keep the lights on?

    honestly, our 25 Communities are a fart in the wind compared to all of the coal that America keeps burning. and the unknown amount that China is going through every hour let alone day.

    plus all the cow farts contributing to greenhouse gases.

    well that last part is just another conspiracy theory. aha.

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