Nunavik’s Hudson coast communities get fibre optic connection

Akulivik, Ivujivik and Salluit the newest additions to network that provides high-speed internet

This map shows a fibre optic project that will link most of Nunavik to high-speed internet. (Image courtesy of the Kativik Regional governnment)

By Nunatsiaq News

All of Nunavik’s Hudson coast communities are now connected to a fibre optic network.

Kativik Regional Government chairperson Hilda Snowball made the announcement Monday in Salluit.

Akulivik, Ivujivik and Salluit are the final three communities to receive a connection to the Eastern Arctic Undersea Fibre Optic Network, which was built in two phases.

Phase one linked Chisasibi, Kuujjuaraapik, Umiujaq, Inukjuak and Puvirnituq to the network in 2022. There is still the possibility that an overland link could stretch to Kangiqsujuaq.

So far, more than 1,800 kilometres of subsea fibre-optic cable is in place.

“KRG continues its diligent work to shrink and eventually eliminate the digital divide that separates Nunavik from southern Quebec and the rest of Canada,” Snowball said in the release.

Kuujjuaq and the rest of Nunavik’s communities are expected to receive their connections by 2025, according to KRG.

The project is the result of a $165-million partnership between KRG and the Quebec government.


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(10) Comments:

  1. Posted by Confused on


    • Posted by KUUJJUAMIUK on

      Got , Starlink , very happy .

  2. Posted by Eskimo Joe on

    165$ million and Starlink is proven way better and no difficult infrastructure required. Good Chairwomen know when to terminate a bad business relationship!

    • Posted by Starpink on

      There is no way that Starlink comes even close to fiber optic.
      Satellites – including LEOs – are the sprinkler system while fiber optic is the fire hose.

    • Posted by Not True for Iqaluit on

      Starlink will never be as good as fiber optic. In Iqaluit, where Starlink has oversold their product, peak period speeds are around 1-5 Mbps, and sometimes less than 1 Mbps. It’s useless at times. If they do not put up more satellites to cover the poles, it will continue to get worse, if they keep overselling.

  3. Posted by markusie on

    im not sure this is true i tested mine with speed test still 1.5 MB and 600 ping

  4. Posted by Tired on

    See what you can accomplish with an actual functioning state apparatus to hold your hand?

  5. Posted by nunavik voter on

    starlink doesnt buffer even with 4k . im good… though hudson coast was out for a while 2 nights ago while starlink kept me going and going and going like the energizer bunny. Laugh out LOUD.

  6. Posted by Northerner on

    Starlink and Fibre optic require being plugged into power. I have a skyroam device. I can charge it up, take it and go hunting or fishing. Anywhere. And have internet access. Speed is not that fast but it gets me connected out in the land. No plugs for power required. I can use it to charge my devices too.

    • Posted by NUNAVIMIUK on

      I still use VHF radio.

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