Nunavut homeowners can claim $1,000 fuel rebate

Nunavut Homeowner Fuel Rebate available for 2023-24 fiscal year: Finance Department

A one-time $1,000 fuel rebate for Nunavut homeowners is now available, Finance Minister Lorne Kusugak announced Monday. (File photo by Emma Tranter)

By Nunatsiaq News

A one-time $1,000 fuel rebate is now available for Nunavut homeowners, Finance Minister Lorne Kusugak announced Monday.

The Nunavut Homeowner Fuel Rebate will provide a non-taxable rebate of $1,000 to Nunavut residents who owned their home as of April 1, 2023.

This rebate is available during the 2023-24 fiscal year and is a one-time lump sum payment, said Finance Department spokesperson Hillary Casey in a news release.

“The Nunavut Homeowner Fuel Rebate recognizes the increased costs that inflation and new federal carbon tax rates have had on Nunavut homeowners,” Kusugak said.

“This rebate gives homeowners a bit of relief on the high costs of heating their homes.”

Information on how to apply for the Nunavut Homeowner Fuel Rebate is available on the Department of Finance’s website at

Applications opened Saturday and will be accepted until Dec. 31.

For more information, contact, call 1-800-316-3324 or visit the finance website.


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(13) Comments:

  1. Posted by What About Renters on

    This should be available to renters that are not subsidized by there employer and pay for utilities. Many renters in Nunavut that have no employer subsidy who cannot access programs to make their unit more energy efficient because they do not own it could also use relief. They are often stuck renting unable to afford saving for a down payment due to these costs!

  2. Posted by Cage The Elephant on


    • Posted by really? on

      So don’t claim it! For our family it represents more than 1/3 of our 2023 first quarter home heating fuel expenses. TY Dept. of Finance!

  3. Posted by Inuk on

    Homeowners without decent employment has high paying fuel rate. job scarcity and would ended up paid by family members. I don’t know how public housing pay their fuel but seems rather confusing. Several split partners than return to actual seller.

    • Posted by Northern Inuit on

      Public housing doesn’t pay a penny for fuel. They could leave their heat on 30C all winter without a care in the world. Pay $29 a month for power. No land lease payments or insurance no fuel or water bills.

      Yet homeowners pay through the nose and get a little bit of help. It is appreciated though

      • Posted by No Responsibility on

        Don’t forget about public housing tenants leaving their windows open in the winter while the thermostat is set to 30C. The social safety net needs some reconfiguring, something that provides incentives for those in the units to live responsibly. They also pay, what is it, $10 for water and sewage that comes out of SA cheques. Wish my water and sewage bill was $10.

  4. Posted by tuktuborel on

    Well it isn’t a lot but it does help. Almost a tank of fuel and so almost one winter month of relief.

    • Posted by Northern Inuit on

      With the recent jump in fuel, $1000 will buy 680 liters. Will help for sure but a drop in the tank for a long winter

      • Posted by Putting this out there on

        I will get it, and thank you for it GN, though to be honest getting it in Jan would have been more useful.
        I will use this amount for just about all of April-Aug, since the weather is warming up and is not needed as much.

  5. Posted by Taxpayer on

    The Government of Nunavut sets the price of fuel in Nunavut based on the cost to purchase, ship, discharge, store, and dispense the fuel over an annual period.

    Plus, they add in the carbon tax that Ottawa forces them to collect. The purpose of the carbon tax is to increase the price of fuel to encourage carbon emitters to use alternatives.

    Since the GN operates its fuel revolving fund on a not-for-profit basis, us Nunavut consumers are able to get our fuel closest to the true cost as any other place in Canada, where wholesalers and retailers take their own cuts above these costs. At the end of the day in Nunavut, fuel costs what it costs.

    Therefore, a rebate to certain customers such as homeowners only places the burden of subsidizing fuel prices on other customers, which is inherently unfair. That rebate money is actually coming from commercial consumers, through the GN.

    The rebate of $1,000 to homeowners comes with no strings attached. No homeowner is expected to invest in alternative heating systems such as pellet stoves to get the money. Therefore, the rebate defeats the purpose of carbon taxation, which is to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

    Just a little to the south and west of us, we have the GNWT that has funded the Arctic Energy Alliance since before 1999 to help all their residents better meet their energy needs with technical advice and funding. The GNWT has a raft of alternative energy programs that help residents reduce carbon intensity at a lower cost. The GNWT has just announced a made in NWT Carbon taxation proposal that is fully modelled, comprehensive, customer specific and targeted.

    This GN rebate a feel good, unfair, and useless measure. GN, sharpen your public policy pencil. GN is an episode of Sesame Street compared to our neighbor.

    If the GN truly wanted us to have clean energy at a lower cost over the long term, the last thing they would be doing is mindlessly circulating money within the current system.

    • Posted by Northern Inuit on

      Do you have the capital to buy solar or wind? Room in your house to place the batteries and modify your current electrical panel with certified electricians to do the work.

      I can barely afford to heat my home now let alone invest in more.

    • Posted by Shawn wilton on

      In the nwt you can go out and cut trees to burn but in Nunavut we can’t do that we have no choice but to burn fossil fuel and if we went with electric heat our power bill would be 5000$ a month

  6. Posted by Mass Formation on

    This carbon tax is to believe it’s saving the world. To cheer for a tax that is continuously increasing to make everything more expensive.
    Why are politicians going along with a tax that has been attached to a named idol, to make everything unaffordable?
    When it’s easy to see the carbon tax is hard dropping Nunavut, and its people into darkness and pains of struggles.
    However, if without complaint or demanding politicians give their head a shake of reality. They’ll toss a financial bone of a reward, to be happy and thankful for the carbon tax. Then is ‘carbon tax-saving the world’ a cult?


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