Taloyoak ‘heartbroken’ following Anglican church fire
RCMP says fire that damaged Church of the Good Shepherd was suspicious
The Church of the Good Shepherd in Taloyoak sustained considerable damage in a fire on Oct. 3, seen above, the Diocese of the Arctic stated in its weekly newsletter. The cause of the fire is being investigated and is deemed suspicious, RCMP Sgt. Pauline Melanson told Nunatsiaq News. (Photo courtesy of the Diocese of the Arctic)
The Anglican church in Taloyoak sustained significant damage last week, as it nearly burned down in an Oct. 3 fire.
The Diocese of the Arctic released news about the fire at the Church of the Good Shepherd in its weekly newsletter on Oct. 5.
“The people [of Taloyoak] are grieved,” Bishop David Parsons told Nunatsiaq News.
“They’re heartbroken.”
The diocese newsletter said the church had considerable smoke and water damage. An investigation into the cause of the fire is underway.
Most of the damage occurred at the front of the church with the back of the structure also impacted, Parsons said.
He said the church will have to wait for the fire inspector to assess the damage done to the building and whether it can be repaired.
“It doesn’t look like it’s been consumed, but it’s definitely damaged,” Parsons added.
Nunavut RCMP spokesperson Sgt. Pauline Melanson said the fire is being investigated and is deemed suspicious.
Parsons said the church was a building for everyone in the community to use. He shared an experience he had with the church when visiting Taloyoak in 2019, that while he was at the church he was able to hear the stories of the residents.
“It was packed,” he said.
Adding to the challenge of the fire, Parsons said the church was not insured. The overall cost of insuring churches in the North costs around $450,000, he said, saying the costs for insuring churches has become “unbearable.”
Without insurance, it will be up to the community and vestry to raise enough money to repair the church, the diocese newsletter stated.
Parsons said the church was not insured. The overall cost of insuring churches in the North costs around $450,000, he said, saying the costs for insuring churches has become “unbearable.”
Don’t they make that $450K in like 0.001 seconds from around the world from donation? and they can’t get insurance because it has to be paid for, or not gifted?
Death and Taxes as they say in the real world, not some magical man based on grown men taking magic mushrooms and calling it religion. make them pay for it, not the poor people of Spence Bay.
Maybe make the arsonists pay for it? The people that have been brainwashed to target churches for their misguided activism would benefit from being forced to work to pay off the huge cost of replacing what they so gleefully destroy. Or is asking a criminal to work and develop a skill set just too terrible a thing to consider in Nunavut?
ever stop to think that this may be the result from past church abuse? church’s each week pull in about $100,000,000.00/week globally through its collections. more than enough money to repair/rebuild. they need to stop scamming people and quit corrupting the human mind.
The Anglican church certainly does not make that kind of money. In fact it has been teetering on the edge of bankruptcy for a long time. And, its future doesn’t look much better. A report commissioned by the church itself estimated it would have no members by 2040
See for yourself:
Whos this guy? saying church’s don’t make money……. what lies. I’ve been thinking of starting a new church here in Frobisher Bay, Monthly membership of $2000.00, and the only difference my church will have is our prayers get answered by email reply.
“Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Marxist(?)😎
That church looks old, if millionaires could give a little, (movie actors) it would be awesome to high arctic people for a good cost. Some have great heart and care for the world. Every place in the great North, Arctic, Villages, Inuit land have small church they go to. How great, beautiful, awesome, precious gift that could be.
And then the arsonists would have a nice new target! How fun.
Do you know that depending on others for help all the time, when you can otherwise do it yourself, causes mental illness. ? Just look around you and see how people are in a state of just taking all the time, and consider connecting the dots.
Alcohol is restricted in the north. Maybe matches should be next.
Just saying
That would be a worthwhile project for some of the committees, and governments of the north: considerable thought to go into more restrictions in the north to help life to be healthier. We don’t let kids use alcohol, matches, and other harmful stuff, that can be dangerous, so let’s look at more restrictive measures.alcohol has been in that kid way of th for years, rightfully so. Hey, just saying!