Willie Nakashook shows off the spoils of a hunting trip he took part in on Feb. 10, about 110 kilometres south of Cambridge Bay. He killed two muskox and David Hanak, his hunting partner, killed four. They had been searching since Feb. 9 and were headed to Mount George when Hanak said they could smell the animals. They gutted the six muskox on site, each of which Hanak estimated originally weighed about 500 pounds. The trip back to Cambridge Bay took more than six hours with the heavy load. The pair decided to share the meat with the community, including the hunters and trappers organization, which will in turn share with elders and those most in need. (Photo courtesy of David Hanak)

Weekend hunting trip fetches hundreds of pounds of meat

By Nunatsiaq News

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(5) Comments:

  1. Posted by Eskimos fan on

    Congratulations hunter Nakashook. Ayungi!!!
    Drool. Drool. Drool.
    Elders smiling.🥰😍🥳

  2. Posted by Jim Bo on

    I hope they shared with Kitikmeot foods Inc. get them to make jerky, just like the past when they hunted all the muskox and caribou, now everyone on the island and surrounding communities have to drive for days just to see any animals, Thx Kitikmeot foods for shorting our future food supplies. Quana so much. love driving 100 miles just to see nothing.

    • Posted by Anaanamous on

      Enjoy the ride buddy! Smell the fresh air. Let some steam out and come back a refreshed man. Try again whenever you can. 🙂 I know gas and grubs pricey but we pay same price for nothing too but we call it memories.

  3. Posted by Jethro on

    Ones you used to laugh and joke about?!!!😍🤪

  4. Posted by uquk on

    And this is why the herds are dwindling. Don’t just take one or two but flatten the whole group of animals…

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