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Thank you to Agnico Eagle for Baker Lake landfill cleanup

“Without the help of Agnico Eagle, these contaminants would continue to cause damage”


The Hamlet of Baker Lake is happy about Agnico Eagle's cleanup of contaminants and hazardous materials at its local landfill site. (FILE PHOTO)

The Hamlet of Baker Lake is happy about Agnico Eagle’s cleanup of contaminants and hazardous materials at its local landfill site. (FILE PHOTO)

On behalf of the hamlet council and residents of Baker Lake, we would like to thank Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. for their assistance in cleaning the Baker Lake landfill of contaminated items this past summer.

A total of 53 20-foot containers were shipped out of Baker Lake to recycling facilities and dangerous goods disposal sites in southern Canada.

Items included vehicle batteries, tires, scrap metals, used oil and appliances.

Without the help of Agnico Eagle, these and other contaminants would continue to cause damage to our fragile environment for many years.

Thank you, Agnico Eagle, for your generous assistance to the community of Baker Lake.

It is really appreciated!

Hamlet Council of Baker Lake
Baker Lake

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