Nunavut woman dies in Ottawa road accident

Rosalie Ugjuk, 43, struck by car on highway 417


People in Ottawa and Nunavut are now mourning the death of Rosalie Ugjuk, 43, who had many close relatives in Igloolik, Rankin Inlet, Iqaluit and Ottawa.

Ugjuk, a resident of the Vanier district who had worked at the Tungasuvvingat Inuit centre in Ottawa, died as a result of injuries she sustained July 21 when she was struck by a vehicle while she was attempting to walk across the eastbound lanes of the 417 highway where it passes through Ottawa.

The incident occurred shortly before 10 pm about 200 metres east of the Carling Avenue on-ramp, said police, who had received a 911 call from passersby who were alarmed to see a woman crossing from the shoulder of the eastbound lanes to the centre median.

Police from the Ottawa detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police were unable to arrive on the scene in time to prevent the collision between Ugjuk and a vehicle.

Police said when a concrete barrier made it impossible for Ugjuk to get across the 417, she started back across the highway to the shoulder and was struck by a car travelling in the second lane.

The driver of that vehicle is not facing any criminal charges, and police did not release his name.

Ugjuk leaves children and grandchildren in Rankin Inlet as well as many other family members throughout Nunavut and in Ottawa.

Ugjuk was a sister to Alexina Kublu, Nunavut’s official language commissioner.

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