Hvalsey Church in Qaqortoq Fjord, Greenland, is the site of the last dated reference to the Norse in Greenland. On Sept. 16, 1408, a couple were married at the church. (From a postcard, as part of the Kenn Harper Collection)

A wedding at Hvalsey Church

By Kenn Harper

One thousand years ago, Greenland was inhabited not by Inuit but by white men from Iceland and Norway.

For nearly 500 years, Norsemen lived in southwest Greenland, in colonies that dated from the time of Eric the Red in the year 985.

The Norse were farmers and herdsmen and they had found a land lush with vegetation, mild in the winter. Potatoes and other vegetables grew in the warm summers and cattle, sheep, goats and horses thrived.

It had been the Norsemen’s good fortune to discover Greenland during a mild climatic period.

At its peak, the Norse population probably reached 4,000 or 5,000. In the confusingly named “Eastern Settlement,” actually in southern Greenland near present-day Qaqortoq, there were about 190 dwellings, and in the “Western Settlement,” 500 kilometres farther north near present-day Nuuk, were another 90.

The Norse hunted, too. They travelled north along the coast as far as Upernavik in search of polar bear, walrus and narwhal.

They traded bear skins and ivory tusks to Europe. The narwhal tusk, in particular, was highly prized; it was thought to be the horn of the legendary unicorn and was worth its weight in gold.

Earlier “Proto-Eskimo” cultures had previously inhabited parts of Greenland but they are not considered to have been ancestral to modern Inuit.

About the year 1250, the ancestors of the present-day Greenlanders entered Greenland by way of Ellesmere Island.

These were Inuit of the Thule culture, and they migrated rapidly southward along the coast. The Norse first encountered them on their hunting trips to the north. They called them Skraellings.

Within 100 years of their arrival in Greenland, they had reached the Western Settlement. In fact, by the mid-14th century no Norse were to be found in that settlement.

A relief expedition from the Eastern Settlement reported in the 1350s: “Now the Skraellings have the entire Western Settlement; though there are plenty of horses, goats, oxen and sheep, all wild, but no people, Christian or heathen.”

During the 1400s, contact between Europe and the Norse in Greenland ceased. In 1721, Hans Egede, a Norwegian missionary, arrived in Greenland in quest of the remnants of the Norse colony.

He assumed they had survived, and his intention was to reconvert them to Christianity. But he found no one in the country except Inuit.

Egede’s son, Niels, who learned well the language of the Greenlandic Inuit, heard from a shaman about attacks on the Norse colonies by European pirates.

After one attack, Niels Egede wrote: “The surviving Norsemen loaded their vessels with what was left and set sail to the south of the country, leaving some behind, whom the Greenlanders [Inuit] promised to assist if something bad should happen.

“A year later, the evil pirates returned and, when the Greenlanders saw them, they took flight, taking along some of the Norse women and children, to the fjord, leaving the others in the lurch.

“When the Greenlanders returned in the fall… they saw to their horror that everything had been pillaged, houses and farms set ablaze and destroyed.

“Upon this sight, the Greenlanders took the Norse women and children with them, fleeing far into the fjord. And there they remained in peace for many years, taking the Norse women into marriage.”

These reports tell of three causes of the disappearance of the Norse from Greenland. Undoubtedly, there were instances of friction between the Norse and the Inuit, and Inuit legends tell of battles between the two sides.

There were also attacks by European pirates. No doubt, some of the Norse left the country and returned to Europe, or tried. Others may have tried to escape to North America, their fabled Vinland.

But other causes of their disappearance must also be accepted.

Bubonic plague had ravaged Europe in the mid-1300s, ruining its economy. Demand for Greenlandic products declined. The climate had also worsened. A period of severe climate called the Little Ice Age had begun, and the land was no longer conducive to agriculture.

The Norse failed to adapt their lifestyle to the deteriorating conditions — they did not learn from their latter-day Inuit neighbours how to make their living from the sea. Those who did not leave or were not killed in battle died or intermarried with the Inuit.

The last dated reference to the Norse in Greenland is an account of a wedding at Hvalsey Church near Qaqortoq, in the Eastern Settlement.

Hvalsey Church is the best-preserved Norse church ruin in Greenland. The remains of it stand on a lushly vegetated hillside that slopes down to the Qaqortoq Fjord. The Norse in Greenland belonged to the Roman Catholic faith, and the church was powerful.

The marriage of Sigrid Bjornsdottir and Thorsteinn Olafsson took place on Sept. 16, 1408. An extant document states that two priests, Eindridi Andresson and Pall Halvardsson, read the banns on three consecutive Sundays.

No one raised any objection to the union and so it took place, presumably officiated by the same two priests. We know this much from a certificate signed and issued by the bishop’s official at nearby Gardar (present-day Igaliko) on April 16 of the following year.

That document does not state the date of the marriage, but it can be reconstructed from a later document which states the wedding happened in the autumn on the Sunday after “Cross Mass.”

By the time of this wedding, the colony was in decline. Still, there is no evidence of this in “this last dated connection between medieval Greenland and the Nordic countries.”

Historian Finn Gad wrote: “Nothing jarred the wedding ceremony on that September Sunday in 1408, and the church functioned correctly… The banns had been read and one of the bride’s relatives was present to sanction the act. All the formalities were observed.”

Sporadic references to the Norse in Greenland continued to appear in Europe from time to time until eventually, the colony was forgotten.

Taissumani is an occasional column that recalls events of historical interest. Kenn Harper is a historian and writer who lived in the Arctic for more than 50 years. He is the author of “Minik: The New York Eskimo” and “Thou Shalt Do No Murder,” among other books. Feedback? Send your comments and questions to kennharper@hotmail.com.


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(2) Comments:

  1. Posted by Benjamin Selman on

    Another great Taissumani column, but I think it contains a minor error, unless there is some wrinkle in horticultural history of which I am unaware. Potatoes did not exist in Greenland when the Norsemen settled there. They are native to South America and were not introduced to Europe until the mid-1500s, and then introduced to North America in the mid-1700s. Vikings did visit what is now Newfoundland around the year 1000, but I don’t believe that potatoes had been introduced there at that time.

  2. Posted by Silas on

    I read a book about Eric the Red when Mariano Aupilarjuk was still around.
    In the book it indicated that when they, Eric the Red’s party, left their campsite in Greenland there was a noticeable change at their camp from the way they left it.
    I asked Mariano if this may have been caused by Inuit of Greenland. He said that there may very likely have been. If they were there, he said, then they were probably scared of the strangers who came in a large boat.

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