Cambridge Bay man faces 5 gun-related charges

Man surrenders peacefully after negotiations with RCMP

A man in Cambridge Bay faces five gun-related charges after he was arrested by RCMP on Sunday. (File photo)

By Nunatsiaq News

Police arrested a 26-year-old man Sunday in Cambridge Bay and charged him with five offences, including carrying a firearm for the purpose of committing an offence, according to a RCMP news release issued Monday.

RCMP issued a “shelter in place” alert on Okpik Street on Sunday morning, asking residents to stay away from the area in response to a “distraught man who was reported to have a firearm,” according to the release.

The man was contained in a residence, and RCMP officers established a perimeter in the area.

The man surrendered peacefully after negotiations with police at approximately 9:35 a.m. and is being held in custody.

He was also charged with careless use of a firearm, pointing a firearm, possession of a firearm without a licence, and two counts of uttering threats.

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(2) Comments:

  1. Posted by 867 on

    For more information, including the guys name, please see rcmp news release

    • Posted by Lol – Media on

      Lol, thank you for pointing that out #1.

      Always nice to see the media unecessarily running cover and protecting the name of someone charged with multiple firearm offenses, threats and for putting the whole community at risk.

      Way to go Nunatsiaq News. Viva Ottawa and Southern journalists with White guilt.

      Yes, check the news release or talk to the victims and community for the details you would expect or should be able to get from a “news” article.

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