Christmas feast in Vanier

Urban Inuit families gather in Ottawa neighbourhood for a feast and fun

Laura Veevee, originally from Pangnirtung, holds her daughter, Melanie-Rose Veevee, age six weeks, at the Illipalialisaaqtilugu EarlyON Child and Family Centre’s Christmas feast, held Saturday at the Pauline-Charron Centre in Ottawa’s Vanier neighbourhood. (Photo by Daron Letts)

By Daron Letts

Inuit families in Ottawa gathered on Saturday for a Christmas feast, stories and music.

The annual event, held at the Pauline-Charron Centre in Ottawa’s Vanier neighbourhood, is hosted by Illipalialisaaqtilugu EarlyON Child and Family Centre.

There was a story time, crafts and games, giveaways and a musical show with an Inuit games demonstration by 10 performers from Nunavut Sivuniksavut.

Illipalialisaaqtilugu EarlyON Centre, a program offered under Tungasuvvingat Inuit’s umbrella, serves Inuit families with children from newborns to age six, offering programs and support services to enhance the child and the parent-and-caregiver bond. The centre promotes cultural knowledge and Inuit pride and identity through programs designed to support healthy pregnancies, early literacy skills and early childhood development.

The centre provides advocacy for families involved with the Children’s Aid Society of Ontario, said Norma Ventura, EarlyOn acting manager.

“We ensure our families’ voices are heard through a cultural lens,” she said. “We always welcome families with children older than six as well.”

Approximately 85 people attended the afternoon feast.

  • Amelia Fleet-Masamoto, 3, and her mom, Mizuki Masamoto enjoy making crafts together at the Illipalialisaaqtilugu EarlyOn Child and Family Centre's Christmas Feast, held at the Pauline-Charron Centre in Ottawa's Vanier neighbourhood on Saturday. (Photo by Daron Letts)

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(2) Comments:

  1. Posted by B Aglukark on

    Oh my, ho ho ho…Merry Christmas Ottawa’miut

  2. Posted by Victor Mesher on

    Too bad Montreal doesn’t have an Inuit Association to have similar activities.

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