Don’t throw stones at Quebecers


It seems to me that you are quick at judging and throwing stones at Quebecers in many of your articles.

If I were to judge Inuit by the reputations that Qallunaat tag on to you, I would be doing what you are doing John when you judge separatists, but I know better. I have the knowledge that all Inuit are not drunks. What knowledge do you have of separatists?

Separatists fully share and understand your aspirations in regards to self-determination and it irritates me to read your judgmental articles. I fail to see what separatists have done to you John, or to any other residents of Nunavut for that matter. Do not judge if you do not have all the facts, unless you are fully aware of what Quebecers had to go through to survive the last 350 years in order to hold on to our identity. (Two minutes for interference, John.)

Please correct me if I am wrong, but separatists have not intervened with your aspirations nor have they questioned them. They could rightfully have been concerned with the price tag of the realisation of your dreams, but they gave their full support.

Yet many of the dollars contributing to Nunavut’s economy originate from Quebecers’ pockets. Are you afraid that this flow of dollars coming your way will stop if Quebec separates? Do not see Quebecers as a threat, see them for what they are, a minority that had to struggle to keep their identity, language, culture, religion and traditions — much like your own aspirations.

Thanks to the constant efforts, sacrifices and visions of our leaders, we are still kicking after over 350 years of Anglo domination in this country. You could benefit from our experiences. You would be wise to look for compatibilities with the French minority of Canada, because Inuit are also a minority.

Even though you are a part of the greater family of Aboriginals, Inuit are still a minority who will always be very dependent on the rest of the country for their financial survival because of the geographical and economic resource situation. I can understand you being afraid of separatists, but do not let fear alter your good judgment, John.

Instead of putting your nose in Quebec’s business, passing judgment on how we want to ensure our survival, you should rather spend more energy scrutinizing what goes on inside Nunavut’s government. (Another two minutes for interference John.)

Inuit are already getting shafted by the people in place. Ask yourself, who is really running the show in the departments? Inuit?

What salaries and benefits are given to white consultants from the South? Did these consultants produce anything worthwhile to better the social or economic well-being of Inuit?

How come these overpaid Qallunaats are given travel benefits for themselves and their whole families when we still have children who do not eat three meals a day? How many times a year do these QalIunaat have to go down South to “retain their sanity,” to use their own words, when we have homeless Inuit who freeze their butt off all winter when they get kicked out of public establishments?

Is this the spirit of the new government? Are you not one of the visionaries of 30 years ago? Are you not aware of all this? Are you not concerned?

Really John, you do have a lot to gain by keeping your nose, judgments and energies for “Our Little Corner of Canada,” so do yourself and your people a favor and lay off the separatists for a while, please.

Instead of quoting foreigners(Chirac and Clinton) you should take the pulse of the population of Nunavut and try to decipher the messages they are sending to their leaders: Spend dollars on us and not on southerners. (Two minutes for delaying the game, John)

In all fairness John, I must give you three game misconducts.

Sam Touche

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