Dope use is natural for Nunavummiut


We the people up here have always struggled to survive off of the resources of our land, and it hasn’t always been easy.

These days aren’t any different. We’re able to go the stores to buy food, but we don’t always have the money to buy food.

We have no money to buy food because most of us buy these $60 grams of hash or grass. The grams aren’t always full weight either, so we tend to buy two or three more to get ahead on our need for dope.

Now I may sound stupid to do that, but that’s how it is for everybody. Some even go to the extreme of spending all or most of their income for a good hit, but it’s just not fair.

Who gets the money? The people in the South get it all, and we don’t see any of the money we spend coming back to us at all in any form.

But if the GN were to legalize and regulate the use of marijuana or hash, it could generate income for rehabilitation facilitities or programs.

These days, dope use should not be seen as something taboo, but something naturally occurring. There should be no shame in its use. The majority of Nunavut’s population has, or are using it — even some of the MLAs.

To this end, I plead with the MLAs to step out of the shadows and get something working for the betterment or our lives. Don’t be stupid and have the money head down to southerners.

That is what I have to say in response to Rebecca Williams’ opposition to the new marijuana law the federal government is working on right now (“MLA, Principal speak out on marijuana reform” July 4).

I hope that this letter will open some minds to doing the right thing and get this thing regulated.

(Name withheld by request)
Cape Dorset

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