Geared up for Canada Day in Kuujjuaq

Lizzie Lingard celebrates Canada Day in Kuujjuaq on her prize-winning ATV, which she decked out in red and white. Lingard was the winner of the contest for the best-decorated ATV. Rain and wind forced the cancellation of many of Friday’s activities in Nunavik’s biggest community. (Photo by Cedric Gallant)

By Nunatsiaq News

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(4) Comments:

  1. Posted by 867 on

    Great spirit! This is what canada day is all about! Being proud of today’s canada and educating ourselves about our past mistakes. Happy canada day!

    • Posted by Kuujjuaq Canada day on

      Kuujjuaq always did have good Canada day spirit, and the spirit still lives. The problem is drunks everywhere and it’s difficult for the sensible people to enjoy the fully celebration when every part of the community has groups of drunks walking senseless around, some driving like Indy 500. Kids out all hours. It’s like the land of the living dead, zombies in every crack and corner, some half dressed, some crying and shouting, police going around like it’s emergency one after the other. Who ever benefits from the coop beer and wine sales, you have just received most of the community money this week, kids are idle, neglected, hungry, out and afraid to go home, joy ride on any AtV that’s by houses. Wake up powers to be and protect at least the kids, and then wonder about DYP.

  2. Posted by Coop day on

    Canada day was celebrated at the coop store.

  3. Posted by Winning Atv on

    At least she still has her 4 wheeler. The past few days has seen an epidemic of kids stealing 4 wheeler. Every night and early morning someone is posting on Facebook that 4 wheeler is found here and there, and announce of another stolen. There has been significant drinking alcohol, more and more this week. The kids are out all night long up to no good. The coop gave dividends this past week, in time to open their store also from 1 to 5 on Canada day for unbelievable crowds buying up the beer and wine. The community went into full force drunkenness, and the neglected kids were out all night, parents home drinking themselves silly, adding drugs on top of it all. It getting worse. Not fit to walk or drive, and not sure about the jail vacancy, but must be busy for police. Hospital too.


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