Judge sentences Robert Sheaves to 12 years for sexual assault of minor

Sheaves’ actions were ‘calculated, deliberate and predatory,’ Justice Paul Bychok says

Robert Sheaves is escorted into the Iqaluit courthouse for his sentencing hearing on Nov. 12. (Photo by Arty Sarkisian)

By Arty Sarkisian

An Iqaluit man was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison Tuesday after a judge found him guilty of four counts of sexual assault.

While Justice Paul Bychok was reading out the sentence in an Iqaluit courtroom, the guilty man, Robert Sheaves, was seen rolling his eyes. He showed the judge a middle finger, swore and called Bychok a liar.

The judge threatened to put Sheaves in the court’s cell for the remainder of the hearing if he continued with that behaviour.

Sheaves, a 67-year-old man who walks with a cane, was charged Feb. 26, 2022, with sexual assault and sexual interference after incidents occurred in Iqaluit in 2021 and 2022.

On Oct. 1, he was found guilty on all four counts.

Sheaves “lured” adolescents into his apartment with alcohol and cigarettes, Bychok said in his sentencing. The judge described in detail the act of sexual assault of a girl who was in her early teens at the time.

A court order prohibits publication of her identity.

Sheaves’ actions were “calculated, deliberate and predatory” and are part of an “unrelenting plague” of gendered sexual violence in Nunavut, Bychok said.

The sentence fell short of the Crown’s recommendation of 15 consecutive years. Bychok also deducted 72 days off the final sentence for the time Sheaves had spent in custody, including five days after he was arrested before being granted bail and 43 days since his conviction. Each day in custody is counted at a day and a half.

However, it’s still a “death sentence” for Sheaves, said defence lawyer Scott Cowan, after the sentencing, adding he is planning to appeal the decision.

“The sentence is disproportionate with sentences given to similar offenders by a lot,” he said.

In court, he said Sheaves is an elderly stroke survivor with heart conditions and mobility issues.

Sheaves has lived a “pro-social life” and “contributed to the community,” Cowan said, arguing that all those things should be considered as mitigating factors — a suggestion Bychok rejected.

“The sentences I impose on Mr. Sheaves must serve to protect the most vulnerable Nunavummiut — our children and adolescents,” Bychok said.


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(8) Comments:

  1. Posted by alex on

    “ Sheaves, a 67-year-old man who walks with a cane,”.

    Was mentioning the cane necessary, might as well said 67 year old pedophile who walks with a cane .

    Anyways, dude deserves to be locked away for a long time

  2. Posted by S on

    Sheaves was found guilty of nasty crimes and should be sentenced appropriately. Life sentence does seem a bit harsh. It appears that 12 years is the maximum sentence for the most egregious cases of sexual assault of a minor in Canada. It’s almost as if the judge was sentencing Sheaves for all of the other sexual assaults of minors which are rampant in Nunavut, but are unpunished

    “Sheaves’ actions were “calculated, deliberate and predatory” and are part of an “unrelenting plague” of gendered sexual violence in Nunavut, [Judge] Bychok said.

    • Posted by Nope on

      Nope I disagree. The victims are carrying a life sentence of their own, being sexually assaulted/abused. This will carry with them throughout their lives and we all know trauma can cause increases in suicide, alcohol abuse etc. Sheaves is a grown man, he knew what he was doing. This sentence reflects that, it’s a deterrent. On top of that, he’s behaviour in court shows he doesn’t take it seriously.

      Good riddance. Thank you for the justice!

      • Posted by S on

        Thanks, Nope; it’s good that others speak with interest and passion.

        The victims aren’t carrying a life sentence. It is disrespectful to them to suggest so. They can move ahead with their lives. They don’t need anyone suggesting they are under a life sentence. They aren’t.

        Also, trauma definitely does cause ‘increases suicide, alcohol abuse etc.”. To suggest show shows a lack of understanding of human nature and society. Humanity would have self-destructed a long, long, long time ago if trauma caused suicidal behavior. Or addiction. There is no connection. Culture, physiology are factors however; in both behaviors.

        Much better than delusions of deterrent, there should be enforcement to stop the ongoing sexual assault on minors which is rampant in Nunavut’s hamlets. And one’s behavior in court in not the factor that an objective, independent judge should use in determining a sentence.

        • Posted by T on

          Who are you to think you know about sexual assault and being a sexual assault survivor? Have you been sexually assaulted before? I’m guessing you haven’t but like to think you know the most and the best when clearly this obviously is not the case.
          Get a life and shut your mouth a do more listening and learn something, instead of spewing nonsense.

  3. Posted by bad da simeonie on

    please post this…
    the man got mad at the judge and said he did nt do it, if he would have done it he would have fell some kinda guilt, not all who are charge and sentence are guilty,not all suppose victims are telling the truth, some people being accuse (could) be victim of false allegation,false testimoney,i dont know him but i know this can happen, people can lie just to put some one in jail, how do we know whos telling the true and whos liying ? i wish i knew, its too easy to say,the big bad wolf did it,or he or she charge she did it. people lie, female lies and kids too,sad world we live in

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