Judge calls rape “repulsive”


A man who raped a disabled female relative will spend nine months under house arrest after pleading guilty to sexual assault and sexual interference.

The 41-year-old Iqaluit man forced himself on the girl on May 15. The attack came after she disclosed a previous sexual attack to the man in confidence.

Crown lawyer Ken Kehler called the rape a breach of trust and said the girl, who is under the age of 14, was vulnerable because “of her mental deficit.”

The girl’s mother filed a victim impact statement. The statement said the girl’s speech is slower and her moods more volatile since the attack.

Alcohol was not a factor in the assault.

The accused, who cannot be named because it may identify the victim, is an Ed Horne survivor, defence lawyer Greg Nearing said.

Justice Earl Johnson said the abuse suffered at the hands of Horne, a convicted pedophile, was a significant reason for granting a conditional sentence in lieu of jail time.

Even so, Johnson called the rape “repulsive.”

“Maybe [getting caught] will be the catalyst to get the help you need,” Johnson said.

The conditional sentence will be followed by two years of probation. Probation conditions include a 10-year firearm prohibition, no contact with the victim and providing a mandatory DNA sample.

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