Luck of the draw in Aupaluk gives candidate a council seat as Nunavik holds municipal elections

Voting in almost half of region’s communities postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak

Aupaluk saw a voter turnout top 80 per cent for municipal elections, and council was decided through a draw when two hopefuls both received 57 votes. (Photo by Sivanau Koneak)

By Nunatsiaq News

Voters in Aupaluk came out in droves and a council seat was decided by a draw Wednesday night, as about half of Nunavik’s communities headed to the polls to elect municipal leaders. Elections were also held in Akulivik, Inkjuak, Kuujjuaraapik, Quaqtaq and Tasiujaq.

An ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in the region kept voters in Kangirsuk, Salluit, Ivujivik, Kuujjuaq and Kangiqsualujjuaq at home.

Aupaluk saw the highest turnout, topping 80 per cent. Council hopefuls Maggie Cain and Anna Grey-Salowatseak both received 57 votes, which required the victor, Cain, to be chosen through a draw. Nuna Akpahatak, George Eetook, Julia Lucassie, Etua Salowatseak and Alacie Thomassiah were also elected to council. David Angutinguak won the race for mayor in Aupaluk with 60 votes, while challenger Louisa Grey who earned 54.

In Akulivik, Eli Angiyou was acclaimed as mayor. Adamie Alayco, Jason Aliqu, Joanasie Aliqu, Larry Hubert, Elisapi Irqumia and Nowya Quissa were elected to council. Voter turnout in Akulivik was 41.26 per cent.

Inkjuak voters picked Pauloosie Kasudluak as mayor over Davidee Inukpuk and Jobie Epoo in a race that brought out just over 49 per cent of voters. Lucassie Echalook, Andy Moorhouse, Richard Moorhouse, Noah POV, Stephanie POV, and Sarollie Weetaluktuk were elected to council.

In Kuujjuaraapik, Anthony Ittoshat topped Raymond Mickpegak in the mayoral race, with 131 votes to 119. Just over 50 per cent of voters turned out, electing a council that includes Mary Hannah Angatookalook, Charlie John Calvin, Jennifer Hunter, Lucassie Inukpuk, Parsa Kitishimik and Mary Silaqi Sala.

In Quaqtaq, Jusipi Kulula was elected as mayor over Matthew Ningiuruvik, 106 votes to 22. All but one of the candidates running for council were elected, with a voter turnout of 51.2 per cent. The list of successful candidates includes Daisy Arnatuk, Lena Ezekiel, Sevim Ilgun, Louisa Kumarluk Oovaut, Charlie Okpik and Charlie Tukkiapik.

An acclamation in Tasiujaq means Billy Cain is mayor. Voter turnout was 46.26 per cent. Peter Angnatuk, Willie Tommy Angnatuk, Tommy Annanack, Jeannie Cain Saunders, Qullik Cain and Tommy Nayome were elected to council.

Voting in the five Nunavik communities under lockdown has been postponed to a later date, which has yet to be announced.

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(2) Comments:

  1. Posted by Rip on

    Luck of the draw? RIP democracy

    • Posted by Billy Bob on

      It is the accepted way to declare a representative when there is a tie vote.

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