Mary Simon says she’s ‘inspired by Canadians’ in year-end message

Governor general encourages Canadians to ‘take care’ of themselves over holiday season

In her annual new year’s message published on Tuesday, Gov. Gen. Mary Simon says she will be sharing Canadians’ hopes for the future in the coming days. (Image courtesy of the Office of the Governor General)

By Kierstin Williams

In her annual New Year’s message, Gov. Gen. Mary Simon says she is thinking of all the Canadians who inspired her throughout 2024.

Simon said Canadians work hard to “make life more beautiful” in their communities and that Canada has “unlimited potential.”

“You fill me with hope for the next generation,” she said Tuesday in a statement released in the waning hours of 2024.

“Let’s continue to build the more inclusive world and more sustainable environment our children deserve.”

It is the fourth year-end message for Simon, who was appointed as governor general in July 2021.

An Inuk from Nunavik, Simon is the first Indigenous person appointed to be the King’s representative in Canada.

In her message, she said she asked Canadians about their hopes for the future and will share their responses in the coming days.

She also noted she remains committed to working to advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, climate action, and celebrating diversity.

Simon ended her new year’s statement saying she hopes Canadians will take care of themselves over the holidays.

“Treat your mental health with the same care as your physical health,” she said. “Let’s recharge our batteries and keep moving forward together.”


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(14) Comments:

  1. Posted by Just say no on

    Inspire us all Mary by refusing Trudeau’s request to prorogue Parliament in a futile attempt to save his party from complete annihilation. The man is clearly more interested in saving himself than in the interests of our country.

    • Posted by NORTHERN on


      • Posted by Need Flanders on

        Never was. Never will be.
        Canada is the next state with “Governor” Trudeau.😂

  2. Posted by S on

    On the grand scale of society and civilization what could be less meaningful than a shallow, grandiose message from an appointed representative of monarchy?

  3. Posted by TGC on

    The 3rd division of Canada’s federal government the crown recognized in King Charles the ? and in the Governor General is no beacon of light and hope. A non partisan head of state separated completely from British Royality would be a solid base from which to grow. Jamaica amongst other states has thrown off the shackles of its colonial history and is surviving rather well sans British royal concent.

    • Posted by Abolition? on

      Yes the Governor General is a remnant of Canada’s colonial past. So what? So is virtually everything – for better or worse – about Canadian government. What exactly are the horrible things happening because we have a head of state who is nominally the king’s representative? (I hope no one believes that the Brits have any say in how Canada is governed, because they don’t.). Abolishing the monarchy isn’t even close to being one of the top 50 important issues facing Canadians and their government. Let’s worry about the real problems.

    • Posted by TGC on


  4. Posted by 867 on

    Agreed with commenter above. Reconciliation should mean turning canada into a republic and breaking ties with our colonial past. Good bye to our useless monarchy.

    • Posted by Blue Moon on

      You don’t need to cynically use ‘reconciliation’ to further your goal of getting rid of the Monarchy.

    • Posted by Understand This on

      Most of the public has put ‘reconciliation’ behind them and moved on to more meaningful things.

      It only means anything to the chattering classes.

  5. Posted by JOHN ELL on

    RECONCILIATION? How about appointing Nunavut Inuit to the Immigration Boards? This is #1 problem in Canada right now.🍁

  6. Posted by Arcticrick on

    I did have respect for MS before she became the liberal GG and started spending like a drunken sailor.

    • Posted by The silver lining on

      She’s proving how human she really is. Any waxing poetic about the special virtues she might carry given her identity have, mercifully, been put to rest.

  7. Posted by Eskimo on

    We want to vote now for Canada’s leadership. Why did you approve the libs prorogation? And what was with your 700k limo ride on the taxpayer dime?

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