P.J. Akeeagok steps down as QIA President to run for MLA

Nunavut’s territorial election is scheduled for Oct. 25

P.J. Akeeagok has stepped down as president of the QIA to run as for an MLA seat. (File Photo)

By David Lochead

Updated Aug. 10 at 11:08 a.m.

The president of the Qikiqtani Inuit Association has stepped down from that role to run for a seat in the territorial legislature.

P.J. Akeeagok, who is from Grise Fiord and lives in Iqaluit, has not specified which electoral district he’s eyeing for his campaign.

He made the announcement on his Facebook page Aug. 6.

“As Nunavut grows, we also face the exciting task of negotiating our devolution from the federal government,” he said in the post.

“I believe as an MLA, with the support of my family and community, I can help tackle these new challenges and build on the foundation I have established during my time at QIA.”

Akeeagok cited several issues he wants to work on if elected as an MLA, such as children’s education, more and better jobs for Inuit, assisting elders, better housing and growing sustainable industries like fishing.

He was elected QIA President in 2014 and re-elected in 2018.

Ageeagok says he is proud of his accomplishments with the QIA, especially implementing daycare programs for Inuit families, negotiating the apology and following investments as a result of the Qikiqtani Truth Commission and the deepsea port project in Qikiqtarjuaq.

As for the QIA, vice-president Olayuk Akesuk will serve as acting president until the board of directors appoint an interim president, according to Will Hopkins, the acting director of communications for the QIA.

Hopkins says the process to appoint the interim president should take place this fall.

The campaign is not beginning immediately for Akeeagok. He says he will take the remaining summer weeks picking berries, fishing and digging clams with his family.

“I look forward to coming back energized to take on campaigning,” Akeeagok said.

The territorial election is scheduled for Oct. 25.

Correction: This story has been updated to correct QIA’s process for replacing P.J. Akeeagok.

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(27) Comments:

  1. Posted by Forever Amazed on

    Good luck PJ.

  2. Posted by John on

    He was not re-elected, he was acclaimed. God save our government.

    • Posted by Truestory on

      This here B.I.M. employee ain’t voting for this guy who wants me to collect income support cheques instead. Go forward. Better to go forward. Just think of the Nunavut communities thriving.

      • Posted by Give your head a shake on

        Which communities are thriving as a result of Baffinland. I see nightly flights to the mine for southern employees being flown up, how is that benefiting any Nunavut resident again? We see the devastation on the local environment and the loss of habitat for the wildlife in the surrounding area without much benefit, so Inuit should be so right to question the value of the mine. QIA represented the residents and in particular the Inuit of north Baffin in asking for a slow down of expansion of operations.

  3. Posted by Huh? on

    We have to wait eighteen months to get a new President?
    What kind of undemocratic garbage is this?

  4. Posted by Noah Papatsie on

    So much for the reelections/He abandoned the Inuit especially when they need the QIA at the moment with the environment and the mining system .It was also bad timing when the Mine was signed,There was no protocols in place and within communitys the system was all thought wrong especially if we are in the world stage of Environment and Sustainability.We need thngkers not Spoiled children not thinking twice about saving the north and its people. Sustainability is key not abandon post.Tomorrow is a different story.

    • Posted by Thank you Noah on

      Thank you Noah for saying this. PJ lost a lot of respect and support when he screwed up the Baffinland expansion. Clyde River had to go to the Supreme Court before QIA would even show up.

      We need leaders who care more about people than they do about Baffinland.

    • Posted by Disappointed on

      Very disappointed with this comment. I figure you could be more supportive of PJ who has done more for Inuit in the role of President of QIA than anyone else have. He should be applauded for his honesty in serving his beneficiaries and for having a very clean and healthy record. A true family man who cares about his people.
      Above all you should be encouraging people like PJ to step up and do what they can for Nunavut. Young and full of energy and compassion.
      Maybe you could run for President.. Could your record compare to PJ’s. I think not.

    • Posted by Bert Rose on

      P.J was not at the helm when Baffinland and QIA signed the IIBA

  5. Posted by Excellent on

    So proud off all of your accomplishments and contributions to Nunavut. Hoping you go full force and continue on this successful path. PJ you will make a great Premier. Nunavut needs a change and needs you..

  6. Posted by Ian on

    No wonder young people shy away from politics, us keyboard warriors and social media torture everybody up here, I got to give Pj credit for trying

    • Posted by Par for the course on

      If you are in politics, young or old these kinds of comments should be avoided… let your staff or close allies read them (if you have staff) and siphon through the garbage, there are are some comments and recurring themes that might be useful to address in advancing your interests if you manage it.

    • Posted by M Center on

      Absolutely correct and well said. Seems Northern Brethren’s as Collective Peoples of the North love to run people down yet do little to contribute. Pro Trolls Knows-All’s but no fortitude to run or at least support those willing to try. Too many revel in bringing others down, and often too, may be a sign of loose lips sinks ships culture too well practiced? Seems like a culture to bring down and not up is a norm. Can’t even support own kind. What a culture…

  7. Posted by nunavummiu on

    abandoned his post to support inuit?,what will be the difference in the MLA position he knew up coming election is coming and we had some choices for the riding for the people.Now we all need to go back to drawing board.. vote wisely people .Inuit need a represent the full length of the time of each election unless an emergency occur.?.

  8. Posted by monty sling on

    Everybody is resigning for the larger piece of the pie, all of sudden interest perks up, why didn’t you people put an interest like this in the last post you guys held? opportunistic animals, was there lot of blood or a huge mess left behind? What’s in the future? Premiership? MP and on to the Hill? There appears to be lot mess left behind for some else to mop up on two major resignations.

  9. Posted by No Skills. No Education. Worthless Experience. on

    The caliber of Nunavut’s elected leaders is depressingly pathetic across the board.

    • Posted by Absolutely true on

      No argument here, try working within the GN and you’ll see the same, uneducated managers and leaders consistent only in making random and incoherent decisions based on the whims of their fragile egos, never once imagining a bigger picture while handing off any serious questions to superiors who have no connection or insight into those issues. It sucks.

      • Posted by Paul on

        I agree and after a few short years once they get some experience they move back south and a fresh batch comes up and starts a manager or director position, starting all over, no wonder GN is the way it is and can’t get much done. Revolving door of transient workers.

        • Posted by Not exactly on

          It’s not only ‘transients’ who can be described in this way, nice deflection from the larger picture though.

          • Posted by Tracy on

            I think that is one of the bigger if not the biggest issue and part of the larger picture, keeping the GN the way it has been operating since the beginning and that is not working for Nunavut.
            Huge turnover, revolving door of new employees, contracting, accountability, wastage and lack of productivity, the list goes on. But these are huge issues that need addressing.

  10. Posted by Run PJ run on

    I am excited that PJ is running. I just hope he picks a riding where he can add strength to the legislative instead of running against good MLAs and Ministers like Adam Lighstone and Hicks if they run again

    • Posted by Adam who? on

      Let’s get serious, Adam offers little of value to the Legislature, that might be the perfect seat to go after.

    • Posted by Voter on

      What has Hicks done? Besides read his scripts! Where has he been for his constituents? with all the issues in Iqaluit with public drunkenness and social issues where has Hicks been? What has he done to improve his riding? I genuinely want to know.

      • Posted by Sabrina knows more about Hicks on

        I would have second thoughts about George being involved with any cabinet decision again. He is there for the southern transients and does not give a second of thought to the Inuit who will have to live with the decisions when he is long gone. We need more changeover in the next election, so please step forward and make a difference for NUNAVUT.

        • Posted by Voter on

          Did you watch the live stream after the last election, when Premier Quassa picked his cabinet ministers? Remember the look on Hickes face when he found out he wasn’t picked? He must’ve been happy when they got Quassa ousted.

      • Posted by Voter on

        Anyone? I do hope we will have some good people running, our current mla has been missing in action.

  11. Posted by Pain In The Groen on

    The obvious riding for PJ to run in is Apex-Niaqunngu, he lives in the riding. Hopefully Pat will pass on the torch to her nephew gracefully. It would be a pro move.

    Thanks PJ, for all your great work so far.


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