Skeptic named to important Danish post
A man who believes global warming is a minor affair has been named to head a new Danish independent environmental institute, according to Reuters news service.
The appointment of Bjorn Lomborg, author of the controversial book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, as director of the Institute for Environmental Valuation, has enraged environmentalists and invited criticism from opponents abroad.
The 37-year-old statistician’s book earned the scorn of the green movement for saying there’s no environmental crisis when it was published in English by Cambridge University Press in August.
The book argues that forests are not declining, few animal species have gone extinct lately, rivers and oceans are becoming cleaner, raw materials, energy and fresh water are in plentiful supply and that global warning will be minor.
Most of the book contradicts the conclusions of a host of prominent scientists, who were astonished the book had even been published.
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