Two ministers re-elected while third loses seat

Cambridge Bay Mayor Pamela Hakongak Gross ousts Jeannie Ehaloak, minister of community and government services

George Hickes is seen here in his home, where he watched election results roll in with his family and friends. (Photo by Mélanie Ritchot)

By Mélanie Ritchot

Two of three ministers who faced challengers in Nunavut’s territorial election won their seats back Monday night, while one lost her post by nine votes, according to unofficial Elections Nunavut results.

George Hickes and Lorne Kusugak were re-elected but Jeannie Ehaloak was not.

Hickes, who represents Iqaluit-Tasiluk, was the first minister to reclaim his seat in the legislative assembly as results came in.

Hickes said it was humbling to be elected for a third term.

“I feel very privileged that my constituents have put their faith in me once again.”

He secured 265 votes and nearly doubled his runner-up James T. Arreak’s count of 133.

Michael Salomonie got 81 votes and Jonathan Chul-Hee Min Park got 41.

In total, 48.87 per cent of those eligible voted in the riding.

This will be Hickes’ third term as an MLA, making him one of the more veteran members in the legislative assembly.

He is currently the minister of finance and justice, although a new cabinet will be selected in the sixth legislative assembly.

Lorne Kusugak, the territory’s minister of health, was next up to reclaim his seat.

“It’s never a sure thing and I’m so humbled and proud to represent my constituents for a third time,” Kusugak said.

With two challengers — one a seasoned politician and another a newcomer — Kusugak said he was nervous waiting for the results.

He spent the day campaigning over the phone, social media and in person right up until polls closed with the help of his wife, daughters, nephew and nieces.

“I wasn’t as confident as the numbers showed,” he said.

Kusugak got 198 votes, while Tagak Curley got 98 and Bobby Oolooyuk secured 82 in Rankin Inlet South.

There was 52-per-cent voter turnout in the riding.

After his win was announced, Kusugak said members of the community filled into his home to congratulate him.

“I’m so happy and so grateful.”

Jeannie Ehaloak lost by just nine votes to Cambridge Bay’s mayor, Pamela Hakongak Gross.

Gross got 224 votes, Ehaloak got 215 and Peter Ohokak 209. Nunavut’s election laws allow for a recall in close races.

In Cambridge Bay, 66.9 per cent of voters turned out.

In the 2017 territorial election, Gross narrowly lost to Ehaloak by about 1.7 per cent of votes.

Between the seven ministers who made up the cabinet in the last assembly, one chose not to run again, Elisapee Sheutiapik, the former minister for family services.

Four of the seven were acclaimed, including the premier, Joe Savikataaq; David Joanasie, the minister of education; David Akeeagok, the minister of human resources and economic transportation; and Margaret Nakashuk, the minister of the Nunavut Housing Corp.

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(33) Comments:

  1. Posted by Qanurli on

    Congratulations, Mr. Hickes. Assuming you continue on with the Justice portfolio, I hope this will liberate you to begin addressing some of the systemic dysfunction in the department.

    • Posted by Paesting on

      Good luck…he’s had 8 years…I don’t expect anything more than continued dysfunction and more lawsuits Einstein

      • Posted by iRoll on

        He’s been Justice Minister for less than a year… “Einstein”

        • Posted by Ewww on


          • Posted by Absolutely on

            Something you will never know

            • Posted by Im scared on

              I guess not…as long as your the DM of the department

  2. Posted by Congrats George on

    Strongest and smartest minister in cabinet. They will be wise to elect you as a minister again. Congrats Mr Hickes!

    • Posted by Sulijuq on

      Are you for real, lol!! So smart that he doesn’t consult his own riding? What so smart about that?

    • Posted by Trick no treats on

      His head too big now…too smart

    • Posted by Inunun piugiinipalaruk on

      Ikajulausimangituk Inuniin. Qalunaan qiigagna. Ikkianaak

  3. Posted by Oscare on

    Congratulations to everyone that ran for MLA’s. Hopefully this new Government will actually LISTEN to the people of Nunavut to better the territory.

  4. Posted by River Rat on

    For a while there, I didn’t expect you to get the job. Congratulations, George. At the end of the day, people voted. I can’t wait to see what you bring moving forward. I know you will think outside the box once you get your feet on the ground running. With experience comes scalable deliverables and although there are lots of moving parts to government, we are confident in you.

    • Posted by Razer on

      George didn’t offer anything outside the box…just reads your notes

    • Posted by For eal? on

      Hicks got rid of Premier Paul Quasa, don’t reraliate too hard when you dont get in the cabinet this time!

      • Posted by Historian on

        Remember when George made fun of the Nunavut dream? When he didn’t get in cabinet

  5. Posted by John W Paul Murphy on

    Congratulations to all of the new MLAs.

    I now hope you remember you are working for ALL the communities in Nunavut and not just your own.

    Your decisions MUST be based on the premise “what is best for Nunavut?” As difficult as that may be.

    Good luck to all.

  6. Posted by Voter on

    Gonna be another long 4 years for us in Iqaluit-Tasiluk, No help for our concerns, difficult to reach and discuss our concerns with our mla, the only time we ever see him is during election time. He will be missing in action for us at Iqaluit-Tasiluk for 4 long years.

    • Posted by Eyeroll on

      No kidding! He won by minority, more voted against him. Keep him accountable!

      • Posted by Senses on

        Many are disappointed, especially locals, sad sad day for Tasiluk, nallinnamiujusi!

      • Posted by Voter 2 on

        Maybe if you write to him through Nunatsiaq news, he would pay attention?

      • Posted by Math Hard on

        Actually, it says in the article that George got 265 votes, while the others got 133, 81, and 41. So the other three candidates collected a combined 255 votes, meaning that Hickes won with a majority of the votes.
        A lot of people seem really agitated that their MLA doesn’t come knocking on their door during the 4 years. This must be one of the few places in the world where people actually expect their elected representative to just casually visit every constituent. Iqaluit-Tasiluk has 1064 eligible voters.
        You know how much Members would actually be able to get done if they visited all their constituents every year? Especially for a Member with high profile Cabinet positions? Very little.
        People should consider themselves lucky that their territorial representative has such a low number of constituents. It’s an absurdly low number and people here should feel privileged about it. You know how many constituents a provincial member in the south has? Often times more than 100,000 people.
        A lot of people complain that their MLA is hard to reach, but soooo many people here contact their MLA about things that they shouldn’t be contacting their MLA about, and that’s the reason they’re hard to get a hold of for actual, legitimate reasons.

        • Posted by Smart man on

          Nice spokesman of Hicks, got all details, one of his agents for sure! Maybe an analyst?

        • Posted by Smart man on

          Nakurmiik smart analyst! You and all the beauracrats! You know why your systems don’t work? Because you don’t mingle with the community, you try and make decisions for people you never see or communicate with. Too important and smart?!

        • Posted by Ignora on

          You can’t justify ignorance though…just accept that Georg is not accountable and doesn’t want to be held to it either. Eyes are watching George and we’ve tolerated enough crap from his style of leadership.

        • Posted by Hear ye!! on

          Take record straight, this spokesperson for MLA’s statement on this right now, the people he serves aren’t worthy of his attention, when one becomes MLA they become too important for their constituency, not even a single newsletter! ? his people unworthy!

          • Posted by Tasilukmiut on

            When he came around campaigning, he brought GN staff with him, was it a GN staff mandate to campaign for him? All he asked to do was put up his poster, which was ugly as is…

            • Posted by did he bring GN staff???? on

              Depending on those GN staff’s position. Where is Elections NU on the ethics of his campaigning?

  7. Posted by Torantomske on

    George won with no platform. Now goes in with hidden agendas.

    • Posted by Undersatdner on

      Records say George only voted for the benefit of Kivalliq…and never once pushed for Iqaluit and Qikiqtaaluk…

      • Posted by Taa! on

        Sulivutit! Taanna Inunnik kiggaqatulauqsimagalaangittuq!

  8. Posted by Funny thing! on

    Funny thing is, I heard that..George writes most of these comments himself! Lol!

  9. Posted by Hunters voice on

    Who is premier. Hope it will never be a joe again. He will never help hunters and harvesters just like a kabloonak only think of himself. Match the $1200 NWT wolf bounty from Nunavut’s $300.
    Last premier joe don’t know a thing about caribou declines in the territory that is happening right now.

  10. Posted by Nowhere street on

    Is it difficult for others too to get a hold of our MLA? Or is it just me?

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