You’ve got mail! Amazon Hub crew makes way through holiday parcel rush

Canadian North’s Amazon Hub team takes a breather Saturday after handling the lingering holiday rush of packages made busier by the Canada Post strike that lasted from Nov. 15 to Dec. 17. Last week, the Iqaluit crew processed 18 flats of parcels — so many, they issued a social media call-out for people to pick up their packages to clear warehouse space. From left are Donald Lyttle, Brad Mackay, Gerard MacDougall, Eduardo Trujillo, Mark Layman, Tajah Pruitt, Rob Rivet, Ammar Hassan, and Shaun Bond, 5, son of off-duty worker Jason Bond. (Photo by Daron Letts)

By Daron Letts

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(4) Comments:

  1. Posted by Bluffy St. Marie on

    Probably make less than Canada Post workers, yet work circles around them.

  2. Posted by CB on

    Thank you Amazon Hub crew for doing all that! I appreciate it so much! And you look like a lovely team!

  3. Posted by Northener on

    What i don’t understand is canada post delivers mail. They take packages and deliver them. Yet they want dental and pensions and retirement plans and feel they are intitled to them. If a person at mc donalds wants all the perks they look for better jobs or go back to school get better educated for better jobs. Canada post, you pick a package up you put a package down. You want better jobs then do like the rest of the world, find a better job or bacj to school.and i wont even get started on the 2 or 3 packages a year that seem to disapear from radar. We need a courier service desperately

  4. Posted by Christina on

    The folks at the Iqaluit Hub are some of the most kind, welcoming, and hardworking people! Thanks for all you do 🙂

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