Provincial-territorial education ministers to meet in Nunavut next week

Ministers’ council to meet at Iqaluit’s Frobisher Inn


Canada’s provincial and territorial ministers of education are to meet for two days in Iqaluit next week, the first time the the group has ever met in Nunavut.

Called the Council of Ministers of Education, the body began meeting about 40 years ago.

The current CMEC chair is Ramona Jennex, Nova Scotia’s education minister.

The CMEC said in a news release that their Iqaluit gathering will focus on early childhood learning and development, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, adult learning, and skills development.

The body once administered a series of national student achievement tests conducted among 13- and 16-year-old students across Canada called the School Achievement Indicators Program, which ended in 2004.

The Nunavut government had earlier withdrawn from the SAIP program after SAIP test results showed that Nunavut students tended to perform poorly on the national standardized tests, which measured mathematics, reading and writing, and science.

That test has been replaced by a new one called the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program, which tests 13-year-old students across the country.

Nunavut and the Northwest Territories do not participate in the PCAP program.

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