Arviat residents oppose location of proposed fuel tank farm

Facility to be built near fishing spot; residents fear potential impact on environment

The Nuluaqturvik area of Arviat, pictured here on a summer day, is the planned location for a new fuel tank farm. (Photo courtesy of Nooks Lindell)

By Jeff Pelletier - Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A group of Arviat residents wants the GN to delay the rezoning of an area in the hamlet where a new petroleum tank farm is to be built, citing concerns over its possible impact on people’s health and the environment.

The project, composed of three tanks to provide bulk diesel fuel storage to the community, has long been in the works.

Information on the Nunavut Planning Commission’s website indicates Arviat’s current tank farm requires major expansion and code upgrades, and the optimal solution is to build a new facility on the Nuluaqturvik area, on the community’s east side.

Instead of three 3.3-million-litre diesel storage tanks, the GN’s petroleum products division now wants two 5-million-litre diesel tanks and one 1.5-million-litre tank to store jet fuel.

The hamlet council has held public consultations over the past two years and has voted in favour of the project.

The petroleum products division needed the hamlet council to rezone the land before it can begin work. The rezoning made it through council, and now it’s up to Community and Government Services Minister David Joanasie to decide whether or not the bylaw should stand.

Nooks Lindell, a resident who lives with his family a short distance from the proposed location of the new tank farm, is leading a community effort to stop the project in its current form.

According to Lindell, the area where the tank farm is to be built is where people set up their fishing nets and go digging for mussels.

He said he’s worried about how the facility would impact the health of residents as well as their access to resources.

“It’s a really important part of town, even though it seems empty right now, it’s kind of perfect the way it is,” Lindell said in an interview.

“We want it to stay empty and we don’t want a huge petroleum fuel tank farm there.”

Arviat’s new tank farm is set to be built in a location identified in the map above. The old facility can be seen in the bottom left corner. (Image from Nunavut Planning Commission documents)

Although consultations took place two years ago, Lindell said people weren’t properly informed about the process.

He agrees that the existing tank farm likely needs to be replaced. However, he said, the rezoning process was rushed and people weren’t given adequate time to hear about concerns.

One such concern is the potential for a fuel spill.

In April 2021, nearly 10,000 litres of fuel spilled from Baker Lake’s tank farm, posing a risk to  the community’s water supply.

“Projects like this need consultation of the people that are going to be affected right from the start,” he said.

“Because we end up being in these positions where we speak out and say we don’t want it, we’re getting bullied into feeling selfish that we’re scared for our health and our children’s health.”

Lindell and other community members have launched a petition on asking that Joanasie put the project on hold so it can be re-evaluated.

As of early Thursday the petition had more than 500 signatures.

Lindell also published an open letter to Joanasie detailing his numerous concerns.

Joanasie, who is in Ottawa for a week of political meetings with federal partners, declined to be interviewed.

However, his staff forwarded a written statement to Nunatsiaq News in which Joanasie acknowledged he is aware of Lindell’s petition and letter.

“The decision on the location of this asset is one that has been carefully considered by the municipal council in consultation with residents,” Joanasie said.

“I will review the proposed zoning bylaw and the process followed in developing it to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and alignment with the long-term needs and interests of the community.”

Arviat’s mayor and senior administrative officer have also both acknowledged Lindell’s petition.

“The petition has not been submitted to us as of yet and we will have a statement from [the] mayor and council,” said Mayor Joe Savikataaq Jr.

“I will gladly [do an] interview once that statement has been released.”

Arviat’s council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

SAO Steve England said council reviews information packages that are submitted prior to meetings. After that happens, council could release a statement.

Lindell encourages other Nunavummiut to be engaged in what’s happening in their communities when it comes to projects with potentially major environmental impacts.

“I know, especially for us Inuit, it’s hard,” he said.

“We’re so used to being quiet and just listening to authority and not rocking the boat, but we got to start speaking up about this stuff while it’s happening, before it’s happening, and not afterwards on Facebook.”

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(41) Comments:

  1. Posted by Nuna on

    This is a perfect opportunity to name the group “Arviatmuit Land Guardians”.

    • Posted by fred on

      more like “Arviat’s Elite NIMBY group”

      • Posted by Tiavra on

        Or can call it MAGA Group

      • Posted by Really? on

        Only one person in arviat ever uses the term NIMBY. bitter and toxic person.

  2. Posted by Aputi on

    They don’t even dig for mussles in that area

    • Posted by Why on

      First it was everyone would get cancer, if they could smell. Next it is it will kill the mussels, at the old dump site, next it be our loved ones are buried over there, they do not want to look a Feul tank for ever.

      • Posted by Understandable, no? on

        Can you blame them though?

        • Posted by Clowns ? on

          All you downvoters would feel the same if it was you

  3. Posted by Who is Signing on

    Would be interesting to know how many of the petition signatures are Arviat residents. I have a hunch not many.

  4. Posted by Putting this out there on

    Way to be Nooks.
    Far to often Hamlet councils just approve what ever the consultants and CGS says (and they are not from the community and dont understand the issues that happen at different times of the year). Not enough thought about long term planning is considered with what we in town actually need.

    Keep being a voice that is heard in your community.

    • Posted by Local on

      Takes guts to speak out.

      Especially when Hamlets are used to working without proper oversight and always win every little thing ,,, if you say anything then you’re the enemy,,, is how they work sometimes. Wtg Nooks’s.

      Not sure about Arviat ,,, but in my town the council always gets elected without a platform or policy on anything,,, would be great if this tank project will be an election year issue.

  5. Posted by Old timer on

    Go for it no fish or mussels in that area now all it is old dump site.

  6. Posted by Nunamiut on

    There’s nothing special about that area, people don’t go fishing around there. Dumps were located close to that area.
    Abandoned shacks, dog houses everywhere.

    • Posted by Really? on

      My family sets nets along that point every summer. You don’t know Jack!

  7. Posted by hermann kliest on

    this area in the 60s and early 70 used to be garbage dump area, I what’s underneath that thin layer sand that covers it?

    • Posted by Another old timer on

      Garbage in the 60s and 70s was not toxic and very minimal because the population back then was not even half of the population today. Compost is beneficial to plant life, spilled oil is not *clown emoji*

  8. Posted by fred on

    It’s a former dumpsite, not sure I would dig clams or fish there, LOL

  9. Posted by Vote them out on

    Joe Jr. Savikataaq
    Gordy Kidlapik
    Doreen Hannak
    Elizabeth Issakiark
    Nataasha Komakjuak
    Nathan Caskey
    William Tiktak
    Juanita King-Kuksuk

    • Posted by fred on

      they will get my vote over and over again. they stood up to Nimby’s and did what’s best for the town. WTG!!!!! I hope they all run again.

      • Posted by Aputi on


        • Posted by No way on

          Standing up to the nimbys? My goodness. Rednecked commenters! Who thinks putting a tank farm 400 feet from homes, down wind, and 90′ to the shoreline….is a good idea?! This is not about nimby vs development. It’s about a council thats run by admin and an admin that can’t take any criticism. Maga, yeah right. That’d take an overhaul of council and their admin. Hah!!

    • Posted by Jessie on

      This is not about the current council. This issue has been ongoing, even before some of these councillors got voted in. Why make it about one council? those of us that are opposed to the proposed site have nothing against the council. Get your priorities straight.

  10. Posted by Northern Inuit on

    how many airlifts of fuel did PPD complete last year? 10? 12? I would estimate at least $200,000 to $300,000 minimum of each airlift of fuel from Community to Community. at the time, the Government of Nunavut Petroleum Products Division did not raise the price of fuel in that Community affected.

    but remember this last price increase was significantly higher than previous raises? it was not only from the Liberal Carbon Tax. at the end of the day, all of Nunavut did pay for the airlift. it just took 8 months for us to pay for it.

    how many went to Arviat? if you don’t smarten up, it will only happen year after year. or Petroleum Products Division will just get fed up and when you start to run low on gasoline, hey you will be limited to 100 litres every two weeks. then instead of pop on sell swap you will see more gasoline.

  11. Posted by Time keeps on turnin’ on

    “Although consultations took place two years ago, Lindell said people weren’t properly informed about the process.”

    Two years ago? This went through the environmental assessment process starting in 2018. They’ve had *5* years.

    • Posted by Not so fast on

      Sites went thru council less than 2 years ago.

  12. Posted by No is Easy on

    Where do you propose the fuel tanks be put?
    Or do you propose doing without fuel?
    Maybe a nuclear plant, and everyone use electric snowmobiles?
    Do you propose that most people move to Iqaluit?
    What is your preferred alternative?

    • Posted by Smart Alec on

      There is prime land perfect for tanks right across the current mayor’s house

    • Posted by Not so fast on

      There are 2 sites possible. Why rezone residential land to heavy industrial when there’s industrial land elsewhere in the townsite to be used? This is shameful that the council ignores community concerns.

  13. Posted by Oh? on

    “but we got to start speaking up about this stuff while it’s happening, before it’s happening, and not afterwards on Facebook”

    And yet here we are, afterwards, speaking up about this on Facebook.

  14. Posted by let the guardians pay for it on

    Stop the tank farm and let the land guardians pay for the airlift of fuel into Arviat. While your at it get the clams from the dumps and give to the ppd staff and pilots flying the fuel to Arviat so you can continue to heat your home and put fuel in your equipment to enable you to harvest calms and fish in a old dump site. Where do you think the power comes from to
    – power a computer to create a petition
    – charge your cell phone
    – lights so you can see
    – run your heating system
    – run your water system
    – power tools to make jewelry
    – cook the clams you dig up
    – cook the fish you catch
    It all comes from a power plant that uses fuel that needs storage capacity to make your life better.

    • Posted by Bullhorn on

      Classic example of false dilemma fallacy:

      You presented two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.

      So the argument here is: If you don’t like this tank farm beside your house! Then you don’t like electricity! Hahahaha.

      Your type of argument sadly shows what is Typical small town mentality, looks like a Hamlet showing inability to think through the issues and maybe staff taking this personally?!? Guessing here.

    • Posted by Wow on

      Ok Nathan….no one said no to a tank farm or no to fuel. How about pit it somewhere that fumes don’t blow straight to town? Did anyone mention qec power plant is going up next door?

  15. Posted by Inuk guy on

    Certainly a bunch of one sided comments. Likely coming from Hamlet staff, councilors family or others involved in this project that are too lazy to redo the process to choose an alternate site. People are frustrated this huge development this is going near their houses. Can you blame them? Heavy industrial should not be next to residential. End of story.

    • Posted by fred on

      if all the comments were the other way I bet you would be saying look the people have spoke, lol. The comments don’t support that so you have to blame an organization and the people that work there, SO TYPICAL!!!!!!!!

  16. Posted by Really on

    Why not have consultations again? we have freedom of speech and we all know it is too close to town…why not go to the left of the original area?

    thank you!

  17. Posted by Tank Farm Fire on

    Remember when a tank caught fire in Iqaluit. It was lucky there wasn’t an explosion.
    Tanks farms really are something that that you don’t want in your backyard.

  18. Posted by Sam on

    Build a tank farm this year in a community that needs it and is ready for it, start over here in A rviat and do 5 more years of community consultations, and land search by then we will be flying in fuel every spring, but make sure there are no clams and fish in the area.

  19. Posted by No Show for Consultation on

    So many times these community consultations nobody shows up. Nobody wants a tank farm beside their home, but if you didn’t go to the community consultations over the last 2 years, or any of the council meetings and now you start a petition its a bit late in the game!

    People need to show up to these sessions and be engaged in them. If you didn’t then I don’t feel bad for you.

  20. Posted by Thomas Shelby on

    It shouldn’t be near peoples homes period. When you look on the map there doesn’t look like there are homes there. ???

  21. Posted by Aputi on

    They won’t show up unless there’s door prize or money involved

  22. Posted by The Jack on

    Only in Arviat pipes run through town
    We don’t want another ugly 1000 foot pipes running right through town
    Wonder who owns the land at the alternative site


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