Farewell to long-time bank manager
I’m a bit disappointed with the management of the Royal Bank in Iqaluit.
Louis Courtemanche, the former bank manager, was a friend of many people here, especially the older generation. Louis was probably the longest serving banker in Nunavut — he even told me that the first Inuk to get a bank account was Joe Tikivik.
I’m sure there are many stories of that nature in him. Louis mixed well with the locals. He could be seen snowmobiling and exploring the countryside here around Iqaluit and at times he took up the offer to come hunting with us. Many times he went boating with Ben Ell and his boys.
But it seems Louis was put out to pasture without an appropriate farewell. The bank made a business decision and Louis and his wife Elisabeth were shipped out. I think Louis deserved more than that.
Farewell Louis and Elisabeth — come again.
Abraham Tagalik
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