Greenlandic musician gets promotional boost


Atlantic Music Studio, a Danish-Greenlandic company that produces alternative CDs and music DVDs, has decided to sink $1 million Danish krøner (around $250,000) to promote an unknown Greenlandic singer on the international music scene.

The singer is Angu Motzfeldt, whose sonorous style has been compared to Lou Reed.

Motzfeldt made the soundtrack to Inuk Silis’s prize-winning film Eskimo Weekend, which was released last year. When he’s not making music, Motzfeldt works at Greenland’s Securitas company because, like most musicians in Greenland, he needs a job to make ends meet.

Ejvind Elsner, the director of Atlantic Music, believes Motzfeldt can achieve international success. That’s why he’s promoting Motzfeldt in England.

“His voice is gorgeous. He makes brilliant texts for his songs and his music is amazing. He can become famous,” Elsner said.

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