Hunt for polar bear in Rankin Inlet called off

HTO authorized killing of bear but animal has not been sighted in community since first reports

The hunters and trappers organization in Rankin Inlet says the polar bear it authorized to be killed has migrated away from the hamlet. (Photo by Arty Sarkisian)

By Nehaa Bimal

A polar bear in Rankin Inlet whose hunting was authorized by the Kangiqliniq Hunters and Trappers Organization on Aug. 7 has not been seen in the hamlet since that time.

“After the first report in August, no one has reported seeing it again,” said Daniel Kaludjak, a conservation officer with the Government of Nunavut.

The bear was first spotted around Diane River early on Aug. 3. It seemed to be heading toward the area known as tent city, outside the hamlet, but it soon disappeared in the water.

There were other reports of sightings. The animal was seen on the land and in the water for days afterward.

Donna Adams, the manager of Kangiqliniq Hunters and Trappers Organization, said the bear must have migrated past Chesterfield Inlet and “onto the land.”

When the bear was being seen, Adams said, it represented a “threat” that kept coming back, adding people didn’t “feel safe in Rankin.”

Concerns about the bear in Rankin Inlet came in the same week that a radar station worker on Brevoort Island, near the southeast corner of Baffin Island, was killed by a polar bear.

Adams said bears are increasingly coming into contact with Nunavummiut because they are less frightened by humans and more accustomed to people.


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(5) Comments:

  1. Posted by Atatsiak on

    Plot twist; polar bear was actually assassinated without any witnesses and got collected for its value.

  2. Posted by big bear on

    he was tipped off eh

  3. Posted by Delbert on

    Mr. Big at HTO. Called the hit off. He couldn’t take the heat.
    Next time the contract. Is going to Tony Saparano.

  4. Posted by Northerner on

    In the movie ” Hunt for Red October ” , Sean Connery gets away.

  5. Posted by travelling on

    almost like it was just travelling thru


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