Investigations continue into Chesterfield Inlet group home deaths

No update provided from Department of Family Services on status of third-party review

Investigations into the deaths of two youths in the care of a Chesterfield Inlet group home remain ongoing, Nunavut’s chief coroner’s office and the RCMP said this week. (File photo courtesy of Calm Air)

By Madalyn Howitt

RCMP and the Nunavut coroner’s office are still investigating the deaths of two youths at the Naja Isabelle group home in Chesterfield Inlet, but there is no word on the status of a Government of Nunavut third-party investigation that was also launched looking into the home.

The Department of Family Services announced in February it had retained a third-party firm to investigate the quality of care at the home, which housed clients under the age of 40 with specialized needs.

The department was also actively exploring alternative placements for clients still there.

Nunatsiaq News asked the department on Monday for the status of the third-party investigation and where Naja Isabelle’s clients are currently staying.

The department had not provided answers to these questions as of Wednesday afternoon.

One client, a 12-year-old, died on Jan. 6 in hospital. The other client was 19 years old and died outside of the territory on Oct. 17, Nunavut’s then-chief coroner Khen Sagadraca said in February.

A third client was also hospitalized.

“The RCMP continues to investigate the matter in co-operation with the Government of Nunavut,” spokesperson Cpl. George Henrie said Monday.

Avelyn Vargas, spokesperson for the chief coroner’s office, also said the coroner’s investigation is ongoing.


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(4) Comments:

  1. Posted by Pen Griffey on

    Letting kids die in 2024…shame

    • Posted by Professional Home Care & Registered Nurses! on

      The Home Care were administered with professional care 24/7, please, don’t make judgement without any Merit’s! The staff’s at Home Care had great respect with the kid’s at Naja Isabelle Home Care with close resources of professional Home Care and Nurses including Health Department’s!

      Trying to used kid’s with respect to family has no merit to used shame without any Merit!

  2. Posted by Condolences on

    My condolences to the family and extended family.
    This is very sad news as families put their trust in these working professionals and let them down. Again, the system is failing inuit children and families. I hope an investigation will put some light into the truth and closure for the families.

  3. Posted by Northerner on

    Please….I know one of the kids father. And he’s not right ever since this happened.

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