Is Tausunni healthy in the east?


It is not because I would like to be heard through the radio on the program Tausuuni, but I would just like to voice my thoughts.

I have heard often that we can voice our opinions, whether it’s for or against programming that had been aired earlier, as these opinions can help with programming.

I would just like to say that I have had quite a few opportunities to call and record my opinions, but up to now I have never heard them aired. Is it because I reek of being an Inuk?

Also, I have known the Tausunni crew to go to communities to make recordings on culture and past experiences. But when they go back to Iqaluit, the recordings they make are usually the same people and mostly about the same things, and I feel that they are not recording the important people who could contribute to the cause.

There are a lot of people who have stories to tell and I feel that Tausunni is missing out on important facts and these people are dying off with their knowledge ,which we would have learned from otherwise.

There are different dialects and the people are scattered, so it would be nice to hear them once in a while. Aagh! Inuksunnii!

(Name witheld by request)
Baker Lake

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