Northern Affairs minister not seeking re-election, leaves cabinet

Liberal MP Dan Vandal staying on until new minister is named

Northern Affairs Minister Dan Vandal, seen speaking in Iqaluit in January, says he will not seek re-election as an MP in the next federal election and will leave his role in cabinet once a new minister is named. (File photo by Jeff Pelletier)

By Jeff Pelletier - Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Northern Affairs Minister Dan Vandal will not seek re-election as a member of Parliament and will be leaving his cabinet position.

Vandal, who has represented the Winnipeg riding of Saint Boniface—Saint Vital since 2015, made the announcement in a statement on social media Thursday afternoon, saying it’s time to “move on to the next stage” of his life.

“I am proud of achieving the terms of devolution between Canada, the Government of Nunavut, and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.,” he said

The Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement, which Vandal signed in Iqaluit in January, transfers control of Nunavut’s Crown lands from the federal government to the territory in 2027.

“We have made tremendous progress on building affordable and safe housing and infrastructure since 2019, though there is much more to do,” he said, adding he’ll “always cherish” the relationships he made in the North.

Vandal said he will work with the prime minister’s office as he transitions out of the job.

“He’s still the minister until a replacement is named,” Kyle Allen, Vandal’s director of communications, said in an email.

Allen said he’s not sure when a cabinet shuffle will happen. The naming of cabinet ministers is up to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Vandal was a frequent visitor to Nunavut during his five years as minister. In Iqaluit last week, he announced a review of Nutrition North and financial support for Uquutaq Society.

News of Vandal’s exit comes as several other Liberal MPs also announced their intentions to leave office at the next election, set for Oct. 20, 2025.

The Canadian Press reported Thursday that Filomena Tassi, the minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, Sports Minister Carla Qualtrough and National Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau have said they won’t seek re-election.



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(21) Comments:

  1. Posted by Articrick on

    He’s jumping off a sinking ship

    • Posted by voter on


      • Posted by hermann kliest on

        Justin the Joker is kaput….

  2. Posted by For Real on

    Dan Vandal is not stupid. He knows the chances of the next federal government being Liberal are about the same as Nunavut having a winter without snow.

  3. Posted by Pork Pie on

    Not many would disagree that the Liberal party under its current leadership is past its best before date, so no surprise to see prominent members ‘moving on’. Unfortunately the Prime Minister can’t see that fact and do the same.

  4. Posted by Big Ben on

    Looks like we’re going to get nothing done until after we go to the polls.

  5. Posted by Brenda on

    They’re smart enough to read the writing on the wall.

  6. Posted by So on

    He is in his mid 60’s, has put in 10 years in one of the most frustrating, thankless jobs there is. Politics is more challenging than many can understand and takes a high personal toll. Thank him for his sacrifices he has made to help his country and drop the BS.

    • Posted by Articrick on

      Stop defending politicians, everyone makes their own choices.

      • Posted by Larry on

        Election time
        Coming soon 4 more years Lori, 4 more years.

        • Posted by John WP Murphy on

          The best joke this week
          No one in Nunavut and in their right mind would or should vote liberal or ndp after what we have endured since Leona left.

          • Posted by Blue colored glasses on

            Wow, that must have been some strong Kool-aid

        • Posted by eskimo joe on

          Sorry Larry, I am not MERRY with Lori……She’s kaput. Anything Singh is worth nothing….

      • Posted by hermann kliest on

        I am not defending this annaq, just take him to kuviqtavik

    • Posted by A Moonlight Flit on

      I don’t think most people here are criticizing Vandal, they’re just pointing out that he is smart enough to see that the Liberals will fall, probably by a great deal, in the next election.

      I will say though, that I don’t see the point in him saying he’s going to leave his Cabinet position when a replacement is named? Why not just fulfill the position until the next election?

      • Posted by Know when to walk away, know when to run on

        Because the party is a dysfunctional mess, maybe? It’s not worth the stress and reputational costs to hang on.

    • Posted by So on

      Yes he made a choice to serve the country. Did 10 years and decides to move on. Is he supposed to stay forever. Try it out, get elected, see if you last 10 years. I don’t defend politicians, I appreciate what they do for us. I served for 15 years, I know how challenging it can be. Until you walk that same mile you will never know how hard it is.

      • Posted by John WP Murphy on

        And you are who?

  7. Posted by Really? on

    “tremendous progress on building affordable and safe housing and infrastructure since 2019”

    Really? Less homes have been built across NU in the last 5 years than ever in history. Getting money allocated to something is not building homes. Its just politicians tossing around dollar values. NCC delivered what so far 18 units?

    And affordable? Where does that come from? Prices are out of control for units. If you cant support a 800-900K mortgage in Iqaluit now dont even bother looking for units for sale and for that matter rents are out of control 3-5K per month depending on unit size?\

    If anything affordability has spiralled out of control and building as suffered tremendously. Id wager the exact opposite of what he says has happened since 2019.

    Politicians blowing smoke up their own rear end as per usual while he jumps from the liberal ship as the liberals get ready to kick their own leader.

    • Posted by Lucretius on

      Everybody likes to have smoke blown up their rear end. Even us up here. Like expecting an MP from Manitoba sitting in an office in Ottawa to make our life better up here. Too many kilometers separate these 3 things in a place the size of Canada.

      What amazes me most is how long we are willing to wallow in sad disappointment in pinning our high hopes on people like Vandal instead of tackling and actually fixing these problems ourselves.

  8. Posted by Ian on

    Homeownership is way too far out reach for young people in Nunavut, thanks .250, 000 just the down payment, try finding a contractor outside the regional centres to build a home, and a bank to finance 800-900 mortgage. Smoke and mirrors


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