Nunavut announces 10th COVID-19 death

Health minister, chief public health officer encourage public to get bivalent booster vaccines

A tenth person in Nunavut has died from COVID-19, the GN announced Tuesday. (Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

By Nunatsiaq News

Nunavut’s Department of Health has announced that a tenth person in the territory has died of COVID-19.

The department made the announcement Tuesday, in a news release. The release does not provide any information about the person who died.

“My sincere condolences to the family of the deceased,” said John Main, the territory’s minister of health.

“We can all take protective measures in our daily lives by staying home when sick, wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and getting vaccinated against COVID-19.”

In the release, both Main and chief public health officer Dr. Michael Patterson encourage Nunavummiut to stay up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines, as the winter approaches and the risk of transmission increases.

Nunavummiut as young as six months old are eligible to get vaccinated and children over the age of five can get a booster. Vaccines can be booked through local health centres.

“As we predict a new wave of COVID-19 infections during the winter months, I encourage everyone to get vaccinated,” Patterson said.

“The bivalent vaccine is available in Nunavut and provides effective protection against the original COVID-19 virus and the Omicron variant. Vaccination is our best defence against severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and death.”

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(10) Comments:

  1. Posted by Oh? on

    “We can all take protective measures in our daily lives by staying home when sick, wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and getting vaccinated against COVID-19.”

    yeah…. sorry john but that ship has sailed….

  2. Posted by Now what? on

    To: Patterson and John Main
    What are other names for covid-19?
    The cold? The flu? SARS? Can the medical officer define what are its other names. Monkeypox? H1N1? Can you guys lobby against profiting from pharmaceuticals? Or are you a liberal too… stay safe too.

    • Posted by S on

      Thanks “Now what?” for your honest attempt to out the covid 19 miasma.

      It’s true what you say; the intrusion that we permitted through “covid19” has created massive and unacceptable, social policy change

  3. Posted by martha on

    It seems like, ever since a lot of people got there Covid shots
    A lot of people are sick a lot more then usual


    • Posted by Not me on

      I got all the shots, have not gotten COVID and have not been sick at all just being extra cautious 🙂

      • Posted by Chesley on

        A shot will not mean you will not be infected, it means that you will probably be less sick, you could still have and spread the virus. That is something that has been controversial with even top public health officials saying you would not catch the virus if vaccinated. There is big money in the whole of the vaccination programs and as is usual government sides with the businesses profiting, it helps officials when they ask for and need campaign funds/to be blunt.

      • Posted by lena on

        Never got one shot, and, never got sick, knock on wood
        only once, just a regular cold though
        never even got the flu shots either

    • Posted by Hey Martha on

      Imaa just straight to the negative thinking about covid shots, did you even stop an think that more infections are happening because there aren’t many people doing things to avoid the spread of covid anymore ?

  4. Posted by Sani. concern on

    Vaccin available to all, here in Sanikiluaq I ask since last June and until yesterday the answer are “ we don’t know when we gone have it “ so John look in dictionary the definition of ALL.

  5. Posted by Mask on

    I am still using my mask in public places, it’s the new norm for me, doesn’t take anything away from me and whatever I can do to help protect myself, my family and friends I will do that,


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