Ottawa announces $1.4M to support Indigenous-led projects in North

Four Nunavut organizations among 10 to receive funding

Northern Affairs Minister Dan Vandal announced the $1.4 million in funding to support Indigenous-led businesses on Thursday. (File photo)

By Nunatsiaq News

Four Nunavut businesses are among 10 in the North that will receive more than a quarter of a million dollars in federal government funding aimed helping Indigenous businesses create jobs, the federal government says.

They include Astro Hill Theatres and Conference Centre, Nunavut Moving, Umingmak Productions Inc. and NCC Development Inc.

Northern Affairs Minister Dan Vandal announced more than $1.4 million in funding to support Indigenous-led businesses and organizations on the North to increase their efficiency.

“Our government is working alongside Indigenous businesses and organizations to seize opportunities, create jobs and grow the local economies,” Vandal said in a press release announcing the investment last Thursday.

Organizations in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon will receive funding for projects that will “upgrade their capacity and infrastructure,” according to the release.

The funding is provided through an economic development program by the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency.

The Agency’s goal is to “help build diversified and dynamic economies that foster long-term sustainability and economic prosperity across the territories,” according to their website.

There are 10 organizations that are set to receive the funding, including four in Nunavut, two in Northwest Territories and four in Yukon.

Nunavut will receive up to approximately $256,000 in federal investments that will partially fund four projects in the territory:

  • Astro Hill Theatre and Conference Centre in Iqaluit will receive up to $86,400 for theatre upgrades
  • Nunavut Moving in Iqaluit will get up to $20,000 to purchase hardware and software necessary to update its systems and bring its services online
  • Umingmak Productions Inc. will receive $50,000 to purchase cinematography equipment that will help document life in the Arctic.
  • NCC Development Inc. will get up to $99,999 for protective equipment and materials necessary for trades training in Iqaluit.
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(7) Comments:

  1. Posted by Kellit on

    Bereft of ideas, the Liberal government continues the candy toss and calls it progress

  2. Posted by Eskimos Fan on

    Throwing funds at a money pit.
    Watch it go to “beads and trinkets.”

  3. Posted by Tony on

    Doug Ford for P.M.🤘🥳

  4. Posted by pissed off on

    NCC igets $99,999.00 ,
    What a lovely number !!!!

    On top of that they are swimming in free government coming from all sides without the need for proper accounting of where and how it is spent.
    Might as well hand over to them the keys to the Federal Government slush fund !!


  5. Posted by Colin on

    This is just another subsidy to make sure that Inuit remain dependent, and don’t need to become competent. And vote Liberal.

  6. Posted by 867 on

    Where do the liberals find this money? Do they have a magic beanstalk?

    • Posted by Deficit spending on

      To be clear, every penny of this is borrowed money


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