Premier announces shakeup of 3 GN departments, executive-level changes

‘Restructuring’ to affect departments of community and government services, economic development and transportation, and executive and intergovernmental affairs

Premier P.J. Akeeagok says the creation of two new Government of Nunavut departments will create a “one-stop shop” to access government services. The new departments are part of a government shakeup Akeeagok announced Thursday. (File photo by Jeff Pelletier)

By Jeff Pelletier - Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A “restructuring” of the Government of Nunavut that will take effect April 1 next year was announced Thursday by Premier P.J. Akeeagok.

The affected departments are Community and Government Services, Economic Development and Transportation, and the government liaison office of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs.

For the change, cabinet has approved the creation of two new departments: the Department of Community Services, and the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Nunavut.

Community Services will oversee economic development, lands and planning, consumer affairs, safety services, emergency management and the government liaison office function.

Transportation and Infrastructure Nunavut will provide support to government departments, including infrastructure, information technology, transportation and procurement.

“Nunavummiut wanted a one-stop shop to access government services, and we are working towards that goal,” Akeeagok said in a news release.

The new departments, he said, “will be better positioned to meet the growing needs of our government, hamlets, and all Nunavummiut.”

When the changes take effect next April, in the cabinet, David Akeeagok will become minister of community services and David Joanasie will be the new minister of transportation and infrastructure.

The two ministers will retain their current portfolios until then, said Sima Sahar Zerehi, the premier’s chief of strategic operations.

David Akeeagok will keep the economic development and transportation portfolio, and Joanasie is staying on community and government services.

In addition to the department shake-ups, the premier announced in a separate news release several executive staff changes, effective immediately:

  • Christine Ellsworth becomes deputy minister of justice;
  • Alma Power is now deputy minister of human resources;
  • Pauloosie Suvega becomes deputy minister of environment;
  • Stephen Mansell is now chief negotiator of devolution, for talks with the federal government;
  • Jackie Price becomes president of Nunavut Arctic College;
  • Kristie Cronin is now deputy minister of economic development and transportation, with responsibility for the transition to the new Department of Community Services;
  • Kyle Seeley remains as deputy minister for community and government services, with responsibility for the transition to the new Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Nunavut.

“I extend heartfelt thanks to David Kunuk, Yvonne Niego, and Rebecca Mearns for their time and dedication to the Government of Nunavut,” Premier Akeeagok said in the release, referring to the outgoing deputy minister of economic development and transportation, deputy minister of environment, and Nunavut Arctic College president, respectively.


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(28) Comments:

  1. Posted by 867 on

    GN wants 85% of its work force to be inuit. Why not start at the top instead of the bottom? At least 85% of ministers are inuit, so next make 85% of deputy ministers inuit followed by director manager. Top down approach.

    • Posted by Wrong Ray on

      The more important gap is at director and manager level. The DM question is heavy on symbolism but lite on substance. Yes, yes, leadership, representation, blah blah. If the substance is lacking it’s a false economy.

    • Posted by Go Figure on

      The HR department is accountable for overseeing the screening and hiring processes for the recruitment of directors and managers, with no involvement from the ADM in the selection of these individuals.

      In the event that a qualified, experienced, and diligent Inuk seeks engagement with a director or hiring manager for casual, transfer, or ITA opportunities, there may be a sense of intimidation due to the perception that direct appointments are primarily reserved for Inuit beneficiaries in the managerial role. However, it should be noted that a majority of directors and managers are non-Inuit, and many directors are currently appointing non-beneficiaries. This practice warrants scrutiny.

      Each Government of Nunavut department is mandated to ensure that 85% of their workforce comprises Inuit employees. However, it raises doubts whether this goal can be attained, given that the majority of the staff are non-beneficiaries. There are concerns about the commitment of the managers and directors to meet this requirement, as they may prioritize personal gain. Recently, many Government of Nunavut staff resigned when they were required to end remote work and return to their regular work location. These vacant positions are now being filled with contractors.

      NTI should visit each Government of Nunavut department to inquire about their progress on the Inuit Employment Plan, efforts to achieve the 85% target, and the representation of Inuit individuals in managerial and directorial positions. The majority of the Inuit within the GN are in lower-level positions and it seems that the directors are not doing enough to ensure that Inuit are trained to take over these positions. How many are on the internship?

  2. Posted by SOS! on

    I’m sorry, but I can’t help but wonder why they have removed 3 Inuit deputies….head scratcher. Especially when you look at the choices.

    Can somebody please tell me why Inuit employment and Inuit culture seem to be dimming under the leadership of Premier of “Photo Ops A Plenty PJ” Akeeagok?

    Why? Why? Why?

    It shocks me to see 3 Inuk Deputies sent down the river while the Deputy Minister of Human Resources, a Caucasian lady from Ontario, who spent a year in Territory gets moved to Economic Development, despite having no background in Nunavut. No background in economic development and no connection to our people or communities.

    This needs to be investigated. Any whistle blowers out there?

    I hope the MLAs will get off their lazy Keisters and do something about this. We are losing, they are laughing and you appear to be doing nothing.

    • Posted by Jamesie on

      I believe the Human Resources DM has lived in Nunavut for quite a number of years. As has her husband and their children.

    • Posted by Underperformers be gone on

      The idea that ethnic representation matters more than anything else is a cancer that afflicts our public service. It’s undoubtable and obvious these three underperformed to a level that could not be ignored. Deal with is.

    • Posted by Sigh on

      Race is not a qualification.

      • Posted by hermann kliest on

        Race is never a qualification…who can handle DMs and ADMs, you know; you are now suppose to be qualified to speak Inuktitut, your policy 26 years ago. who can bet the RACE, maybe Indians could, Inuit couldn’t.

      • Posted by 5309 on

        In “None of It” … relatives are the only required qualifications.
        Met university graduate with a degree and working in general labor.(Not that is bad. Honest work.
        In administration…grade 9-10 drop outs barely understand English spoon fed jobs cause they’re from “this family or that family.” Regardless of their incompetence and other work infractions.😜🤪

    • Posted by OMG respond to SOS on

      The HR ADM is performing admirably in her role. While she may not have been raised here, she has demonstrated proficiency in her duties. Regrettably, this level of performance is not consistently observed among all directors and managers in other departments. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether we can achieve perfection in every aspect.

      • Posted by Triggered on

        Obviously a friend or relative of the HR DM. Nobody who has ever dealt with GN HR would say there is anything “admirable” about their performance.

  3. Posted by Husband and wife deputies in the same government? on

    So the new Justice deputy minister is married to the deputy minister of Family Services. This will be challenging for the rest of the departments. Will the Family services department get priority legal services now for instance? This ain’t looking so good in the optics, Mr. Photo Op Premier.

    • Posted by Uviluk on

      Nepotism at it’s finest, slow sarcastic clap for the GN once again, I am sure they are qualified for the role but the optics are terrible, GN has to remember that they work for the people and optics has to be considered in every decision.

      • Posted by housing on

        as with public housing such situations with 2 salaries should be considered on a scale as well

  4. Posted by Danny Diddler on

    Like moving chairs on the Titanic.

  5. Posted by Arcticrick on

    Just like the current fed govt, out of touch, way passed his expiry date, need a leader that unites Nunavut, this guys dislikes all other regions in nunavut.

  6. Posted by Baffin on

    PJ playing musical chair again with his deputy ministers.

  7. Posted by History repeats on

    We can only hope this departmental restructure works just as well as removing HR from Finance and creating its own department a few years ago (sarcasm). What the GN fails to realize is that the issue is not with the policies or the structure, it is with the implementation. If you don’t have the proper staffing in place to follow the government mandate it doesn’t matter how you organize the departments. Taking a bunch of Dept of Finance human resource employees and moving them to a new department called Human Resources made no difference whatsoever . Nor will this latest. It’s just to show that the government is active and listening to the population. The illusion of motion. Now these mlas can run again next year and say that the changes they have made are still taking effect, vote for us again to complete the transition.

  8. Posted by Burning 🥵 on

    This is a burning thing, which makes a fiery ring
    Bound by wild desires, he fell into a ring of fire,
    he fell into a burning ring of fire, he went down, down, down and the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire 🔥 This is it now the Nonofit Government 😢

  9. Posted by Inuk on

    Everytime i try to say something about the health workers about what f are they doing and theres always something shows up from gn, don’t worry you have the documents you put in the system and trying to shuffle up and hide the informations complain about you guys. Speak up more my inuuqatiit! for the government what are they doing try record them with your camera and let them hear how they are working too.

  10. Posted by Tony angmarlik. on

    Snap eletion…useless ministers
    Especially for pangnirtung riding.

  11. Posted by Ship on

    The ship is sinking faster and faster now.

    • Posted by Eyes Wide Shut on

      Departmental re-org, especially late in the mandate is the classic re-arranging of deck chairs on the Titanic.

      Dont ask where we are on the housing mandate. No where near learning to count to 3000. Have you noticed where the money is going – not to community projects but to construction companies.

      Don’t ask where we are on the elders mandate. A million dollars a month to Embassy West and free buses for cab companies. Have you noticed where all the “elders” money is going? Not to communities or to elders – it is going to big corporations.

  12. Posted by 2+2=5 on

    I wonder how creating more departments transforms the GN into a “one-stop shop?” Did anyone understand that part, or are privileged to information that NN hasn’t shared (or bothered to ask) and can explain it?

    • Posted by Succotash on

      There will be the same number of departments, but the EDT and CGS mandates will be shuffled and EIA will get rid of the GLO function. I suspect the “one-stop-shop” refers to having GLOs and Motor Vehicles together in the same department. GLOs already deliver motor vehicles services in most communities. Still, you’re right that the premier is overselling it.

      • Posted by GLO’s MIA on

        It will hardly matter unless somehow GLO’s are forced to attend work more than the 2 days a week or so they are currently present.

  13. Posted by Colin on

    More shake up was need Mr Premier, another half dozen need to be removed.

  14. Posted by John WP Murphy on

    Good news all round. The President of NTI recently advised everyone that she is not running for a third term.

    I wonder where she fits into the grand scheme of things in the GN.

    Perhaps Obed is heading up here?


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