Art Sateana resigned from Rankin Inlet’s hamlet council earlier this month, citing personal reasons. (File photo)

Rankin Inlet councillor resigns after 8 months in office

Hamlet starts application process to fill the vacancy

By Nunatsiaq News

Updated on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 2 p.m.

Rankin Inlet Coun. Art Sateana has resigned from his council seat, eight months after he was acclaimed to the position.

Sateana made the decision for “personal reasons,” according to a July 26 news release from the hamlet. He declined to comment further.

His resignation took effect July 22.

Sateana was acclaimed to hamlet council in October 2023 at the age of 27, along with six other councillors. He works at the Kivalliq Inuit Association as communications manager.

In 2017, Sateana received the corporation’s $5,000 Laura Ulluriaq Gauthier Scholarship to pursue post-secondary education with the dream of becoming a family doctor in the territory.

The Hamlet of Rankin Inlet published a call for applications to fill the vacancy on Monday. Application forms will be available at the hamlet office during regular office hours until 3 p.m. on Aug. 29.

Council plans to select a new councillor from the eligible applicants in September.

Correction: This article has been updated from its original version to correctly identify Art Sateana’s employer.


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(9) Comments:

  1. Posted by Jimmy Koe on

    Why is this even news? What’s next, Jeremy quits at NorthMart? Sandra quits driving water truck for hamlet?

    • Posted by YRT>YFB on

      Perhaps because it took Rankin a couple of days to tell the public how they would be represented….. Instead of Iqaluit which first had a month of silence, then two month of pretending to create a policy

  2. Posted by Just wanted to add on

    Could have been a more relevant news story if you included that he was the youngest councillor, also during his short time he took his role seriously and participated in Sober December; information relating to his time on council, instead of digging up a 7 year old unrelated story.

    • Posted by Whatever you say man on

      Art is a good guy, but these are not the tremendous accomplishments you think they are.

    • Posted by More Consideration Before Voting on

      He took his role so seriously that he lasted 8 months? How low are we setting the bar?

      I often see comments around election times about voting for younger people, the new generations, leaders of tomorrow, etc. Sure, sometimes it can seem boring to elect those middle-aged or older candidates, but many times they have a lot more life experience and knowledge than these young ones.

      • Posted by Just wanted to add on

        I didn’t say anything about voting for young people or claim these are tremendous achievements. I’m pretty sure Art was acclaimed so if there are more qualified individuals please encourage them to apply. I’m just pointing out that him previously receiving a scholarship has nothing to do with the hamlet council or his time on council, it just felt like filler and if that is all they needed they could have filled it with more information relating to the council or his time there.

  3. Posted by i agree.. whys this news on

    i resign from hamlet manager ,but tomorrow afternoon ill quit this assistant mechanic job.

  4. Posted by Umingmak on

    Another young person incapable of doing the job who probably complained about older people being the only ones getting elected.

    I’m in my 30’s, but I’m ashamed of my generation. No work ethic, no guts, no integrity,.

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