Rankin Inlet seamstresses make parkas for kids in need

Project funded by Embrace Life Council

These parkas were made by Rankin Inlet seamstresses for kids in need. (Photo courtesy of the Embrace Life Council)

By Thomas Rohner
Special to Nunatsiaq News

Fourteen kids in Rankin Inlet will be a bit warmer this winter after a group of seamstresses hand-sewed them new fur-trimmed parkas.

Funding for the project came from the Embrace Life Council.

Sherry Morey got the ball rolling on behalf of the council back in October after taking suggestions from the community.

“They thought with the winter coming up, a lot of kids don’t have warm parkas to wear because they saw kids going around in October in light wind jackets,” she said from Rankin Inlet.

More parkas made for Rankin Inlet children. (Photo courtesy of the Embrace Life Council)

Morey said she contacted social services to find out which kids were in greatest need.

“They gave us no names, just sizes and genders of children they knew needed parkas,” she said.

Local expert seamstress Maani Brown was hired as an instructor and provided patterns for the volunteers, who were all beginner seamstresses, Morey said.

“The volunteers had to choose a pattern, cut it and sew it from start to finish, including the fur trim,” she added.

In total 12 women learned new sewing skills while hand-making 14 custom parkas.

And in appreciation for their time, the volunteers were rewarded.

“Each participant was able to take home a pattern of their choice and all the material and fur to make a parka at home with the knowledge they learned,” Morey said.

The project wrapped up Nov. 5, just in time for the winter.

Morey said the experience was very rewarding for her as the program co-ordinator and for the burgeoning seamstresses.

“Everyone seemed to like to work together, everybody was helping each other, so it was a real team effort where we supported each other,” Morey said.

The funding for this program was aimed at easing the hardships during the pandemic, Morey said.

But after the success and warm reception to the program from the community, Morey said she thinks it could continue.

“It was a one-time thing, but I know the community is looking for funding to do it again,” she said.

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(8) Comments:

  1. Posted by Cathy Welch on

    WTG women of Rankin Inlet! What a wonderful program this is! As a Qallunaq I have always shared my very basic parka patterns which I used when we lived at Saqvacjuac with our four children. I had a lot of help from Rankin and Chesterfield women who taught me so much about duffle and skin clothing sewing. Theresa Kommaksiutiksak, Rita Ipkarnak, Rita Pameok, Papaluk Kukkiak, Melanie Amarok, among others, and then From Resolute Nangaat Idlout, Leeteea Kudloo, and from Baker Lake Fransoise Aklaga. Without them, our family would have not been able to travel on the land in winter and I am forever grateful to them all. I miss the north and our friends there very much.

  2. Posted by Kindness on

    Seasons Greetings! Nicest post I read so far. Thank you Sherry M. for finding the funds and this is so kind of you to make parkas for kids who need them.

  3. Posted by I live in the Arctic on

    great lookin’ parkas!

  4. Posted by DD on

    so Family Services followed the correct privacy disclosure here right? Thanks Sherry who is an energetic come from away who has dedicated herself to good works in Nunavut that would otherwise not get done!

    • Posted by Concerned on

      Actually, because Nunatsiaq News took pics of the parka and put them on public display on their site, we’ll all know who these kids are when we see them wearing them about town…

      Nunatsiaq dropped the ball on this one…

  5. Posted by Biscuit on

    Those look very nice!

  6. Posted by c on

    I see on facebook that Taluq Designs in Taloyoak also did this. It is good to see community organisations and businesses stepping up to help the less fortunate in the communities with things like parkas for kids, soup kitchens, etc….

  7. Posted by Maryann Iqulik on

    How do I apply for my 3 children are you able to email me please

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