Santa Claus comes to town early

Iqaluit residents line the streets for annual Christmas parade

Santa and Mrs. Claus ride through Iqaluit on a qamutiik at the end of the Santa Claus parade on Saturday. (Photo by Jeff Pelletier)

By Jeff Pelletier - Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

With just 11 days until Christmas Day, Santa and Mrs. Claus flew south from the North Pole to participate in Iqaluit’s annual Santa Claus parade.

Along the parade route Saturday afternoon, residents were bundled up while they waited to greet the big man in red, who was joined in the parade by members of Iqaluit’s fire department and organizations including Canadian North, the Nunavut Employees Union and Ampere (formerly Pinnguaq).

The parade started at the Arctic Winter Games arena and ended in the Nakasuk School parking lot, where Santa descended from his qamutiik and handed out candy canes.

  • Iqaluit's fire department leads the city's Santa Claus parade Saturday afternoon. (Photo by Jeff Pelletier)



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(8) Comments:

  1. Posted by Northener on

    Did he bring my mail

  2. Posted by education worker on

    always enjoy seeing the nta float expressing their dominance across the region

  3. Posted by Joseph Murdoch-Flowers on

    Santa and all his elves must have worked so hard on it, and then they gave it to us early!

  4. Posted by Esquimau Joe©️ on

    Lying to children about mythical characters is a sin, why believe and participate in a bizarre narrative? Promoting diabetes 🎅🏽🎄 for two whole months

    • Posted by Eskimos Fan on

      Brain wash education.
      And $$$$$$

    • Posted by I’m Confused on

      Sins too are mythical, yet here you are speaking of them.

    • Posted by Baffin on

      Adults believe in Toronto Maple Leafs. Why can’t kids believe in Santa?

      • Posted by Mephistopheles on

        Monkey see.
        Monkey do.🤣

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