Two Nunavummiut die violently on weekend

Major crimes unit investigating in two communities


Two Nunavut residents suffered violent deaths this past weekend: one by the hand of another person, and another in a manner that has yet to be officially verified.

In Iqaluit, Mary Shaw, 37, died on the afternoon of Aug. 18 after an ambulance crew rushed her to hospital suffering “grave injuries,” an RCMP press release says.

Despite their best efforts, medical staff at the hospital could not save her life, police say.

Police spent the rest of the weekend interviewing people in the area where Shaw lived, as part of an investigation led by V Division’s major crimes unit.

“The circumstances surounding her injuries are currently the focus of the police investigation into the matter,” the RCMP release says.

As of Nunatsiaq News press-time this past Wednesday, police had not said how the woman died, or whether the woman’s injuries were self-inflicted, accidental or caused by another person. Police did not return telephone messages.

Meanwhile, Tommy Egotak, 44, of Cambridge Bay, died some time after an incident that occurred Aug. 18 at “a private dwelling” in the community, when police and an ambulance crew were both called to the residence.

RCMP members, and members of the major crimes unit, are continuing to investigate Egotak’s death, and have ordered an autopsy.

They also laid a charge of manslaughter against another Cambridge Bay man, Willie Oakoak, 44.
Oakoak was held in custody until Aug. 23, when he appeared in court in Iqaluit.

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